slog 2.0.5

Structured, extensible, composable logging for Rust
<p align="center">

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    <strong><a href="">Getting started</a></strong>
  <a href="//">Introduction</a>
  <a href="//">FAQ</a>
  <a href="">Crate list</a>

# slog-rs - The Logging for [Rust][rust]

### Table of Contents

* [Status & news]#status--news
* [`slog` crate]#slog-crate
  * [Features]#features
  * [Advantages over log crate]#advantages-over-log-crate
  * [Terminal output example]#terminal-output-example
  * [Using & help]#using--help
* [Slog community]#slog-community
* [Slog related resources]#slog-related-resources

### Introduction

`slog` is an ecosystem of reusable components for structured, extensible,
composable logging for [Rust][rust].

The ambition is to be The Logging Framework for Rust. `slog` should accommodate a
variety of logging features and requirements.

### Status & news

`slog v2` (versions `2.x.y`) is the latest stable major release. API of `slog
v2` is very similar to `slog v1` and most changes are under the hood, unleashing
more power. Porting should be relatively easy.

See [`slog v2` wiki page](
for more information.

Note: at the time of writing, many important `slog` ecosystem crates might
still not have a stable release for `slog v2` and you might need to point
to their pre-release versions. Eg. (`Cargo.toml` excerpt):

slog-term = "~2.0.0-4"

`slog v1` (versions `1.x.y`) is a previous stable major release. No new development
is planned, but bugfixes and PRs are always welcome.

### Features & technical documentation

Most of the interesting documentation is using rustdoc itself.

You can view it at [ for v1]( or [
for v2](

### Terminal output example

`slog-term` is only one of many `slog` features - useful showcase,
featuring eg. automatic TTY detection and colors.

See following screenshot: same output in both compact and full output mode.

![slog-rs terminal example output](

## Using & help

for full quick code example overview.

See [faq] for answers to common questions and [wiki] for other documentation
articles. If you want to say hi, or need help use [slog-rs gitter] channel.

Read [Documentation]( for details and features.

To report a bug or ask for features use [github issues][issues].

[slog-rs gitter]:
[issues]: //

#### In your project

In Cargo.toml:

slog = "2"

In your ``:

extern crate slog;

## Slog community

Slog related crates are hosted under [slog github

Dawid Ciężarkiewicz is the original author and current maintainer of `slog` and
therefore self-appointed benevolent dictator over the project. When working on
slog Dawid follows and expects everyone to follow his [Code of

Any particular repositories under slog ecosystem might be created, controlled,
maintained by other entities with various levels of autonomy. Lets work together
toward a common goal in a respectful and welcoming atmosphere!

## slog-related resources

* [24 days of Rust - structured logging] - review and tutorial by Zbigniew Siciarz 2016-12-05
* [Writing GStreamer Elements in Rust (Part 4): Logging, COWs and Plugins] - experiences using Rust & slog for GStreamer