Struct slog::Failover [] [src]

pub struct Failover<D1: Drain, D2: Drain> {
    // some fields omitted

Failover drain

Log everything to logger D1, but in case of it reporting error, try logging to D2. If it also returned an error, forward it up.


impl<D1: Drain, D2: Drain> Failover<D1, D2>

Create Failover

Trait Implementations

impl<D1, D2, E1, E2> Drain for Failover<D1, D2> where D1: Drain<Error=E1>, D2: Drain<Error=E2>

Type of potential error returned during logging

Write one logging record As an optimization (avoiding allocations), loggers are responsible for providing a byte buffer, that Drain can use for their own needs. Read more