slog-env-cfg 0.1.2

Opinionated slog drains builder, configurable via env vars.

slog-env-cfg Build Status

Opinionated slog drains builder, configurable via env vars.


This crate builds an slog Drain that writes to stdout. It's designed to be easy to use and with sane defaults. The format of the log records is configurable at runtime via LOG_FORMAT environment variable.

Possible values for LOG_FORMAT are:

  • json
  • terminal (default)

The idea is that in development environment, where you just run the executable manually and not in absense of centralized logging, you would rely on human-readable log output. At deployment, on the contrary, cenralized logging can make use of JSON-formatted logs, so the LOG_FORMAT=json can be set. The configuration is runtime, so you only need to manage a single build artifact for both use cases.

This crate aims to be an opinionated solution, and no other configuration is available so far. Yet, I'm open to adding other tweaks if they're justified.


Here's a minimal complete example:

extern crate slog;

fn main() {
    let cfg = slog_env_cfg::config_from_env().expect("initialization error");
    let drain =;
    let root = slog::Logger::root(drain, o!());
    info!(root, "formatted: {}", 1; "log-key" => true);