slip_git 0.1.3

Simple `slip` command (git clone runner to better categorize personal repos and work repos).
Simple `slip` command (git clone runner to better categorize personal repos and work repos).

example config file
# ~/.slip.toml
default = "Work"

# root directory to clone for work related projects

root = "/home/cedric05/projects/work"
email = ""
name = "name"

# root directory to clone for personal related projects

root = "/home/cedric05/projects/personal/"
email = ""
name = "name"

## Install

`cargo install slip_git`

## commands

### List

lists all cloned repos

example: `slip list`
### Add

adds repo to slip repolist config file

example: `slip add /home/user/projects/cloned-git-directory`
### Reconfig

Reconfigures all git repos with correct email and name

example: `slip reconfig`

### Ui

Creats terminal `UI` (filters, select...) for opening in `vscode`

example: `slip ui`
### Clone

`slip clone`
> with default configuration, it will create a repository in `/home/<username>/projects/work/<gitignore>/gitignore`

`slip -p clone`
> it will create a repository in `/home/<username>/projects/personal/<gitignore>/gitignore`

create file `~/.slip.toml` to better configure directories.


### 0.1.3

- new command `slip add` adds already git cloned directory to slip
- `slip ui` now default command when no command is sent
- `slip ui` new selected directory via `enter` opens shell inplace of previous action `opening vscode``
- `slip ui` new selected directory changed `opening vscode` action to `insert` keycode