sliceslice 0.4.1

A fast implementation of single-pattern substring search using SIMD acceleration

use crate::{Needle, NeedleWithSize, Searcher, Vector, VectorHash};
#[cfg(feature = "stdsimd")]
use std::simd::*;

trait ToFixedBitMask: Sized {
    fn to_fixed_bitmask(self) -> u32;

impl<const LANES: usize> ToFixedBitMask for Mask<i8, LANES>
    LaneCount<LANES>: SupportedLaneCount,
    Self: ToBitMask,
    <Self as ToBitMask>::BitMask: Into<u32>,
    fn to_fixed_bitmask(self) -> u32 {

impl<const LANES: usize> Vector for Simd<u8, LANES>
    LaneCount<LANES>: SupportedLaneCount,
    Mask<i8, LANES>: ToFixedBitMask,
    const LANES: usize = LANES;
    type Mask = Mask<i8, LANES>;

    unsafe fn splat(a: u8) -> Self {

    unsafe fn load(a: *const u8) -> Self {
        std::ptr::read_unaligned(a as *const Self)

    unsafe fn lanes_eq(a: Self, b: Self) -> Self::Mask {

    unsafe fn bitwise_and(a: Self::Mask, b: Self::Mask) -> Self::Mask {
        a & b

    unsafe fn to_bitmask(a: Self::Mask) -> u32 {

type Simd2 = Simd<u8, 2>;
type Simd4 = Simd<u8, 4>;
type Simd8 = Simd<u8, 8>;
type Simd16 = Simd<u8, 16>;
type Simd32 = Simd<u8, 32>;

fn from_hash<const N1: usize, const N2: usize>(
    hash: &VectorHash<Simd<u8, N1>>,
) -> VectorHash<Simd<u8, N2>>
    LaneCount<N1>: SupportedLaneCount,
    Mask<i8, N1>: ToFixedBitMask,
    LaneCount<N2>: SupportedLaneCount,
    Mask<i8, N2>: ToFixedBitMask,
    VectorHash {
        first: Simd::splat(hash.first.as_array()[0]),
        last: Simd::splat(hash.last.as_array()[0]),

/// Searcher for portable simd.
pub struct StdSimdSearcher<N: Needle> {
    needle: N,
    position: usize,
    simd32_hash: VectorHash<Simd32>,

impl<N: Needle> Searcher<N> for StdSimdSearcher<N> {
    fn needle(&self) -> &N {

    fn position(&self) -> usize {

impl<N: Needle> StdSimdSearcher<N> {
    /// Creates a new searcher for `needle`. By default, `position` is set to
    /// the last character in the needle.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if `needle` is empty or if the associated `SIZE` constant does
    /// not correspond to the actual size of `needle`.
    pub fn new(needle: N) -> Self {
        // Wrapping prevents panicking on unsigned integer underflow when
        // `needle` is empty.
        let position = needle.size().wrapping_sub(1);
        Self::with_position(needle, position)

    /// Same as `new` but allows additionally specifying the `position` to use.
    /// # Panics
    /// Panics if `needle` is empty, if `position` is not a valid index for
    /// `needle` or if the associated `SIZE` constant does not correspond to the
    /// actual size of `needle`.
    pub fn with_position(needle: N, position: usize) -> Self {
        // Implicitly checks that the needle is not empty because position is an
        // unsized integer.
        assert!(position < needle.size());

        let bytes = needle.as_bytes();
        if let Some(size) = N::SIZE {
            assert_eq!(size, bytes.len());

        let simd32_hash = unsafe { VectorHash::new(bytes[0], bytes[position]) };

        Self {

    /// Inlined version of `search_in` for hot call sites.
    pub fn inlined_search_in(&self, haystack: &[u8]) -> bool {
        if haystack.len() <= self.needle.size() {
            return haystack == self.needle.as_bytes();

        let end = haystack.len() - self.needle.size() + 1;

        if end < Simd2::LANES {
        } else if end < Simd4::LANES {
            let hash = from_hash::<32, 2>(&self.simd32_hash);
            unsafe { self.vector_search_in_default_version(haystack, end, &hash) }
        } else if end < Simd8::LANES {
            let hash = from_hash::<32, 4>(&self.simd32_hash);
            unsafe { self.vector_search_in_default_version(haystack, end, &hash) }
        } else if end < Simd16::LANES {
            let hash = from_hash::<32, 8>(&self.simd32_hash);
            unsafe { self.vector_search_in_default_version(haystack, end, &hash) }
        } else if end < Simd32::LANES {
            let hash = from_hash::<32, 16>(&self.simd32_hash);
            unsafe { self.vector_search_in_default_version(haystack, end, &hash) }
        } else {
            unsafe { self.vector_search_in_default_version(haystack, end, &self.simd32_hash) }

    /// Performs a substring search for the `needle` within `haystack`.
    pub fn search_in(&self, haystack: &[u8]) -> bool {

mod tests {
    use super::StdSimdSearcher;

    impl crate::tests::TestSearcher for StdSimdSearcher<&[u8]> {
        fn with_position(needle: &'static [u8], position: usize) -> StdSimdSearcher<&[u8]> {
            StdSimdSearcher::with_position(needle, position)

        fn search_in(&self, haystack: &[u8]) -> bool {
            StdSimdSearcher::search_in(self, haystack)

    crate::generate_tests!(std_simd_searcher, StdSimdSearcher);