slice-group-by 0.2.1

Iterators over groups in a slice


An implementation of the group_by Haskell function for slices only.


Crate slice-group-by is a library for efficiently iterating over a slice by groups defined by a function that specifies if two elements are in the same group.

Example: Linear Searched Immutable Groups

You will only need to define a function that returns true if two elements are in the same group.

The LinearGroupBy iterator will always gives contiguous elements to the predicate tion.

use slice_group_by::GroupBy;

let slice = &[1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2];

let mut iter = slice.linear_group_by(|a, b| a == b);

assert_eq!(, Some(&[1, 1, 1][..]));
assert_eq!(, Some(&[3, 3][..]));
assert_eq!(, Some(&[2, 2, 2][..]));
assert_eq!(, None);

Example: Binary Searched Mutable Groups

It is also possible to get mutable non overlapping groups of a slice.

The BinaryGroupBy/Mut and ExponentialGroupBy/Mut iterators will not necessarily gives contiguous elements to the predicate function. The predicate function should ement an order consistent with the sort order of the slice.

use slice_group_by::GroupByMut;

let slice = &mut [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3];

let mut iter = slice.binary_group_by_mut(|a, b| a == b);

assert_eq!(, Some(&mut [1, 1, 1][..]));
assert_eq!(, Some(&mut [2, 2, 2][..]));
assert_eq!(, Some(&mut [3, 3][..]));
assert_eq!(, None);

Example: Exponential Searched Mutable Groups starting from the End

It is also possible to get mutable non overlapping groups of a slice even starting from end of the slice.

use slice_group_by::GroupByMut;

let slice = &mut [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3];

let mut iter = slice.exponential_group_by_mut(|a, b| a == b).rev();

assert_eq!(, Some(&mut [3, 3][..]));
assert_eq!(, Some(&mut [2, 2, 2][..]));
assert_eq!(, Some(&mut [1, 1, 1][..]));
assert_eq!(, None);