slack-blocks 0.19.7

Models + clientside validation for Slack's JSON Block Kit

# slack-blocks

This crate brings Slack's terrific [Block Kit 🔗] to
the Rust ecosystem.

This crate should hopefully come in handy if you need to
build some rich functionality, or just want to send some
slack messages without having to know Block Kit.

Inside, you'll find simple models with an API that is
thoroughly documented and (hopefully) easy to use.

This is currently being actively developed so watch the repo for a
stable v1 release!

[Block Kit 🔗]:

## Build / Test / Format
This crate uses [`cargo-make`] for script consistency, in Makefile.toml you'll find:
  - `cargo make fmt`: Format all files according to configured style `rustfmt.toml`
  - `cargo make test`: Run all tests
  - `cargo make doctest`: Run doc tests only
  - `cargo make tdd`: Watch files for changes, and run `cargo make test` on each change
  - `cargo make ci`: Run tests, check that code is formatted and no lint violations.
                     This is run as a quality gate for all pull requests.

## Contributing

If you're interested in contributing, head over to the [issues] and see what's left to
do to get this crate fully usable and stable - at the time of writing there are a few
big-picture things left to do:

- Implement Block Elements ([#61]
- ~~Implement Composition Objects ([#63]
- Remove the `validator` crate from the public API ([#9]
- Add a `validation` crate feature ([#8]

And this doesn't block a v1.0.0, but is definitely something I'm interested in doing for this crate,
that will make it a lot nicer to interact with:
- Add a proc-macro of some kind that allows easy creation of block messages (#??)

This repo follows [Conventional Commits] in order to fully automate the semver process,
but you don't _need_ to follow this convention since the repo is configured for Squash
commits on merge.

[Conventional Commits]:

## License

Licensed under either of

* Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE]LICENSE-APACHE or

at your option.

### Contribution

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally
submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0
license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or