slabmalloc 0.3.2

Simple slab based malloc implementation in rust. Can be used stand-alone or in order to provide the necessary interface to rusts liballoc library. slabmalloc only relies on libcore.

slabmalloc Build Status

Simple slab based malloc implementation in rust, in order to provide the necessary interface to rusts liballoc library. slabmalloc only relies on libcore and is designed to be used in kernel level code as the only interface a client needs to provide is the necessary mechanism to allocate and free 4KiB frames (or any other default page-size on non-x86 hardware).


  • The slabmalloc API is designed to satisfy the rust liballoc low-level memory allocation interface:
use slabmalloc::{SafeZoneAllocator};
static MEM_PROVIDER: SafeZoneAllocator = SafeZoneAllocator::new(&PAGER);
  • Use the ZoneAllocator to allocate arbitrary sized objects:
let object_size = 12;
let alignment = 4;
let mmap = Mutex::new(MmapPageProvider::new());
let mut zone = ZoneAllocator::new(&mmap);

unsafe {
  let layout = Layout::from_size_align(object_size, alignment).unwrap();
  let allocated = zone.allocate(layout);
  zone.deallocate(allocated, layout);
  • Use the SCAllocator to allocate fixed sized objects:
let object_size = 10;
let alignment = 8;
let layout = Layout::from_size_align(object_size, alignment).unwrap();
let mut mmap = Mutex::new(MmapPageProvider::new());
let mut sa: SCAllocator = SCAllocator::new(object_size, &mut mmap);

Using on stable

By default this packages requires a nightly version of the Rust compiler. To be able to use this package with a stable version of the Rust compiler, default features have to be disabled, e.g. with

slabmalloc = { version = ..., default_features = false }



  • No focus on performance yet