slab_typesafe 0.1.3

A wrapper for Slab that provides type-safe tokens instead of usize.
# slab_typesafe
A type-safe wrapper from Rust's "slab" data structure

Prevents using [slab]( with obviously wrong keys:

extern crate slab_typesafe;


let mut slab1 : Slab<StringHandle1, _> = Slab::new();
let mut slab2 : Slab<StringHandle2, _> = Slab::new();

let hello = slab1.insert("hello");
let world = slab2.insert("world");

slab1[world]; // the type `Slab<StringHandle1, _>` cannot be indexed by `StringHandle2`
slab2.remove(hello); // expected struct `StringHandle2`, found struct `StringHandle1`