Crate skyscraper

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Skyscraper parses HTML documents into structured trees with the help of indextree. It can then traverse the tree and select nodes using standard XPath expressions either created programatically or parsed from XPath string literals.

§Example: parse an HTML document and use an XPath expression

use skyscraper::html;
use skyscraper::xpath::{self, XpathItemTree};

let text = r##"
            <div class="no"></div>
            <div class="duplicate">Bad info</div>
            <div class="yes"></div>
            <div class="duplicate">Good info</div>

// Parse the HTML text
let document = html::parse(text)?;
let xpath_item_tree = XpathItemTree::from(&document);

// Assuming your XPath string is static, it is safe to use `expect` during parsing
let xpath = xpath::parse("//div[@class='yes']/parent::div/div[@class='duplicate']")
    .expect("xpath is invalid");

// Apply the XPath expression to our HTML document
let result = xpath.apply(&xpath_item_tree)?;

// The xpath expression that was used always returns an item set.
let items = result;

assert_eq!(items.len(), 1);

// Compare the text of the first and only node returned by the XPath expression
let node = items[0].extract_as_node().extract_as_tree_node();
let text = node.text(&xpath_item_tree).unwrap();

assert_eq!(text, "Good info");

// Assert that node class attribute is "duplicate" string.
let element =;
let attribute = element.get_attribute("class").unwrap();
assert_eq!(attribute, "duplicate");

§Example: use once_cell if Xpath expressions are static

If your Xpath expressions are static, and you have a function that parses and applies the expression every time the function is called, consider using once_cell to prevent the expression from being repeatedly parsed.

use std::error::Error;
use skyscraper::{html::{self, HtmlDocument}, xpath::{self, Xpath, XpathItemTree}};
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;

static SPAN_XPATH: Lazy<Xpath> = Lazy::new(|| xpath::parse("/div/span").unwrap());

fn my_func(document: &HtmlDocument) -> Result<String, Box<dyn Error>> {
    let xpath_item_tree = XpathItemTree::from(document);
    let result = SPAN_XPATH.apply(&xpath_item_tree)?;

    let items = result;
    let node = items[0].extract_as_node().extract_as_tree_node();

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
    let doc1 = html::parse("<div><span>foo</span></div>")?;
    let text1 = my_func(&doc1)?;
    assert_eq!(text1, "foo");

    let doc2 = html::parse("<div><span>bar</span></div>")?;
    let text2 = my_func(&doc2)?;
    assert_eq!(text2, "bar");


For more information on HTML documents and nodes, including how to get text or attributes from nodes, see the html module documentation.

For more information on XPath expressions, see the xpath module documentation.

