skullrump 0.1.0

Quickly write UNIX-like binary head and tail routines.

skullrump is a crate to quickly write UNIX-like binary head and tail routines.

In order to make use of it, users implement the BinaryEntry trait for their types.

File watching is not built in, but can be simulated with the watch program or similar.


use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{ Result };
use self::skullrump::byteorder::{ WriteBytesExt, ReadBytesExt };
use self::skullrump::{ BinaryEntry, BinaryChunkStream };

struct ASingleByte(u8);

impl BinaryEntry for ASingleByte {
 fn entry_write(data_in: Self, buffer_out: &mut Vec<u8>) -> Result<()> {

 fn entry_read(file: &mut File) -> Result<Self> {
     .and_then(|data| Ok(ASingleByte(data)))

 fn entry_size() -> i64 {

fn foo(file: &mut File) {
  let mut buff:Vec<u8> = vec![];

  file.entry_write(&mut buff, ASingleByte(1));
  match file.tail::<ASingleByte>(1) {
    Ok(_entries) => {}
    Err(_)      => {}