skia-safe 0.58.0

Safe Skia Bindings for Rust
use super::image_info;
use crate::{prelude::*, EncodedOrigin, ISize, Matrix};
use skia_bindings::{self as sb, SkYUVAInfo, SkYUVAInfo_Subsampling};
use std::{fmt, ptr};

/// Specifies the structure of planes for a YUV image with optional alpha. The actual planar data
/// is not part of this structure and depending on usage is in external textures or pixmaps.
pub type YUVAInfo = Handle<SkYUVAInfo>;

impl NativeDrop for SkYUVAInfo {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe { sb::C_SkYUVAInfo_destruct(self) }

/// Specifies how YUV (and optionally A) are divided among planes. Planes are separated by
/// underscores in the enum value names. Within each plane the pixmap/texture channels are
/// mapped to the YUVA channels in the order specified, e.g. for kY_UV Y is in channel 0 of plane
/// 0, U is in channel 0 of plane 1, and V is in channel 1 of plane 1. Channel ordering
/// within a pixmap/texture given the channels it contains:
/// A:                       0:A
/// Luminance/Gray:          0:Gray
/// Luminance/Gray + Alpha:  0:Gray, 1:A
/// RG                       0:R,    1:G
/// RGB                      0:R,    1:G, 2:B
/// RGBA                     0:R,    1:G, 2:B, 3:A
pub use sb::SkYUVAInfo_PlaneConfig as PlaneConfig;
variant_name!(PlaneConfig::YUV, plane_config_naming);

/// UV subsampling is also specified in the enum value names using J:a:b notation (e.g. 4:2:0 is
/// 1/2 horizontal and 1/2 vertical resolution for U and V). If alpha is present it is not sub-
/// sampled. Note that Subsampling values other than k444 are only valid with [PlaneConfig] values
/// that have U and V in different planes than Y (and A, if present).
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)]
pub enum Subsampling {
    Unknown = SkYUVAInfo_Subsampling::kUnknown as _,
    S444 = SkYUVAInfo_Subsampling::k444 as _,
    S422 = SkYUVAInfo_Subsampling::k422 as _,
    S420 = SkYUVAInfo_Subsampling::k420 as _,
    S440 = SkYUVAInfo_Subsampling::k440 as _,
    S411 = SkYUVAInfo_Subsampling::k411 as _,
    S410 = SkYUVAInfo_Subsampling::k410 as _,

native_transmutable!(SkYUVAInfo_Subsampling, Subsampling, subsampling_layout);

/// Describes how subsampled chroma values are sited relative to luma values.
/// Currently only centered siting is supported but will expand to support additional sitings.
pub use sb::SkYUVAInfo_Siting as Siting;
variant_name!(Siting::Centered, siting_naming);

/// Ratio of Y/A values to U/V values in x and y.
pub fn subsampling_factors(subsampling: Subsampling) -> (i32, i32) {
    let mut factors: [i32; 2] = Default::default();
    unsafe { sb::C_SkYUVAInfo_SubsamplingFactors(subsampling.into_native(), &mut factors[0]) };
    (factors[0], factors[1])

/// `SubsamplingFactors(Subsampling)` if `plane_index` refers to a U/V plane and otherwise `(1, 1)`
/// if inputs are valid. Invalid inputs consist of incompatible [PlaneConfig] [Subsampling]
/// `plane_index` combinations. `(0, 0)` is returned for invalid inputs.
pub fn plane_subsampling_factors(
    plane: PlaneConfig,
    subsampling: Subsampling,
    plane_index: usize,
) -> (i32, i32) {
    let mut factors: [i32; 2] = Default::default();
    unsafe {
            &mut factors[0],
    (factors[0], factors[1])

/// Given image dimensions, a planer configuration, subsampling, and origin, determine the expected
/// size of each plane. Returns the expected planes. The input image dimensions are as displayed
/// (after the planes have been transformed to the intended display orientation). The plane
/// dimensions are output as the planes are stored in memory (may be rotated from image dimensions).
pub fn plane_dimensions(
    image_dimensions: impl Into<ISize>,
    config: PlaneConfig,
    subsampling: Subsampling,
    origin: EncodedOrigin,
) -> Vec<ISize> {
    let mut plane_dimensions = [ISize::default(); YUVAInfo::MAX_PLANES];
    let size: usize = unsafe {


/// Number of planes for a given [PlaneConfig].
pub fn num_planes(config: PlaneConfig) -> usize {
    unsafe { sb::C_SkYUVAInfo_NumPlanes(config) }

/// Number of Y, U, V, A channels in the ith plane for a given [PlaneConfig] (or [None] if i is
/// invalid).
pub fn num_channels_in_plane(config: PlaneConfig, i: usize) -> Option<usize> {
    (i < num_planes(config)).if_true_then_some(|| {
        unsafe { sb::C_SkYUVAInfo_NumChannelsInPlane(config, i.try_into().unwrap()) }

/// Does the [PlaneConfig] have alpha values?
pub fn has_alpha(config: PlaneConfig) -> bool {
    unsafe { sb::SkYUVAInfo_HasAlpha(config) }

impl Default for YUVAInfo {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self::construct(|yi| unsafe { sb::C_SkYUVAInfo_Construct(yi) })

impl NativePartialEq for YUVAInfo {
    fn eq(&self, rhs: &Self) -> bool {
        unsafe { sb::C_SkYUVAInfo_equals(self.native(), rhs.native()) }

impl fmt::Debug for YUVAInfo {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
            .field("dimensions", &self.dimensions())
            .field("plane_config", &self.plane_config())
            .field("subsampling", &self.subsampling())
            .field("yuv_color_space", &self.yuv_color_space())
            .field("origin", &self.origin())
            .field("siting_xy", &self.siting_xy())

impl YUVAInfo {
    pub const MAX_PLANES: usize = sb::SkYUVAInfo_kMaxPlanes as _;

    /// `dimensions` should specify the size of the full resolution image (after planes have been
    /// oriented to how the image is displayed as indicated by `origin`).
    pub fn new(
        dimensions: impl Into<ISize>,
        config: PlaneConfig,
        subsampling: Subsampling,
        color_space: image_info::YUVColorSpace,
        origin: impl Into<Option<EncodedOrigin>>,
        siting_xy: impl Into<Option<(Siting, Siting)>>,
    ) -> Option<Self> {
        let origin = origin.into().unwrap_or(EncodedOrigin::TopLeft);
        let (siting_x, siting_y) = siting_xy
            .unwrap_or((Siting::Centered, Siting::Centered));

        let n = unsafe {
        Self::native_is_valid(&n).if_true_then_some(|| Self::from_native_c(n))

    pub fn plane_config(&self) -> PlaneConfig {

    pub fn subsampling(&self) -> Subsampling {

    pub fn plane_subsampling_factors(&self, plane_index: usize) -> (i32, i32) {
        plane_subsampling_factors(self.plane_config(), self.subsampling(), plane_index)

    /// Dimensions of the full resolution image (after planes have been oriented to how the image
    /// is displayed as indicated by fOrigin).
    pub fn dimensions(&self) -> ISize {

    pub fn width(&self) -> i32 {

    pub fn height(&self) -> i32 {

    pub fn yuv_color_space(&self) -> image_info::YUVColorSpace {

    pub fn siting_xy(&self) -> (Siting, Siting) {
        let n = self.native();
        (n.fSitingX, n.fSitingY)

    pub fn origin(&self) -> EncodedOrigin {

    pub fn origin_matrix(&self) -> Matrix {
        self.origin().to_matrix((self.width(), self.height()))

    pub fn has_alpha(&self) -> bool {

    /// Returns the dimensions for each plane. Dimensions are as stored in memory, before
    /// transformation to image display space as indicated by [origin(&self)].
    pub fn plane_dimensions(&self) -> Vec<ISize> {

    /// Given a per-plane row bytes, determine size to allocate for all planes. Optionally retrieves
    /// the per-plane byte sizes in planeSizes if not `None`. If total size overflows will return
    /// `SIZE_MAX` and set all planeSizes to `SIZE_MAX`.
    pub fn compute_total_bytes(
        row_bytes: &[usize; Self::MAX_PLANES],
        plane_sizes: Option<&mut [usize; Self::MAX_PLANES]>,
    ) -> usize {
        unsafe {
                    .map(|v| v.as_mut_ptr())

    pub fn num_planes(&self) -> usize {

    pub fn num_channels_in_plane(&self, i: usize) -> Option<usize> {
        num_channels_in_plane(self.plane_config(), i)

    /// Returns a [YUVAInfo] that is identical to this one but with the passed [Subsampling]. If the
    /// passed [Subsampling] is not [Subsampling::S444] and this info's [PlaneConfig] is not
    /// compatible with chroma subsampling (because Y is in the same plane as UV) then the result
    /// will be `None`.
    pub fn with_subsampling(&self, subsampling: Subsampling) -> Option<Self> {
        Self::try_construct(|info| unsafe {
            sb::C_SkYUVAInfo_makeSubsampling(self.native(), subsampling.into_native(), info);

    /// Returns a [YUVAInfo] that is identical to this one but with the passed dimensions. If the
    /// passed dimensions is empty then the result will be `None`.
    pub fn with_dimensions(&self, dimensions: impl Into<ISize>) -> Option<Self> {
        Self::try_construct(|info| unsafe {
            sb::C_SkYUVAInfo_makeDimensions(self.native(), dimensions.into().native(), info);

    pub(crate) fn native_is_valid(info: &SkYUVAInfo) -> bool {
        info.fPlaneConfig != PlaneConfig::Unknown