skelly 0.1.1

Skeleton animation and IK


crates docs actions MIT/Apache loc

Crate for skeleton animation.

Optionally provides inverse-kinematics functionality.


// build a skelly with leg and two arms.
let mut skelly = Skelly::<f32>::new();
let foot = skelly.add_root(Point3::origin());
let leg = skelly.attach(Vector3::z().into(), foot);
let waist = skelly.attach(Vector3::z().into(), leg);

let left_shoulder = skelly.attach(Vector3::z().into(), waist);
let left_arm = skelly.attach((-Vector3::x()).into(), left_shoulder);
let left_palm = skelly.attach((-Vector3::x()).into(), left_arm);

let right_shoulder = skelly.attach(Vector3::z().into(), waist);
let right_arm = skelly.attach(Vector3::x().into(), right_shoulder);
let right_palm = skelly.attach(Vector3::x().into(), right_arm);

// Write global isometries of every joint into an array.
let mut globals = vec![Isometry3::identity(); skelly.len()];
skelly.write_globals(&mut globals);

IK example

use {skelly::Skelly, na::{Point3, Vector3, Isometry3}};
let mut skelly = Skelly::<f32>::new();
let foot = skelly.add_root(Point3::origin());
let leg = skelly.attach(Vector3::z().into(), foot);
let waist = skelly.attach(Vector3::z().into(), leg);
let left_shoulder = skelly.attach(Vector3::z().into(), waist);
let left_arm = skelly.attach((-Vector3::x()).into(), left_shoulder);
let left_palm = skelly.attach((-Vector3::x()).into(), left_arm);
let right_shoulder = skelly.attach(Vector3::z().into(), waist);
let right_arm = skelly.attach(Vector3::x().into(), right_shoulder);
let right_palm = skelly.attach(Vector3::x().into(), right_arm);
use skelly::ik::rotor::RotorSolver;

// Using the skelly above, do some inverse-kinematics
let mut posture = skelly.make_posture();
let mut solver = RotorSolver::new(0.01);

// move left palm to the foot.
solver.set_position_goal(left_palm, Point3::origin());

// Iteratively solve imposed constraints.
for _ in 0..100 {
  solver.solve_step(&skelly, &mut posture);

// Write global isometries of every joint in the posture into an array.
let mut globals = vec![Isometry3::identity(); skelly.len()];
skelly.write_globals_for_posture(&posture, &mut globals);

## License

Licensed under either of

* Apache License, Version 2.0, ([license/APACHE](license/APACHE) or
* MIT license ([license/MIT](license/MIT) or

at your option.

## Contributions

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.