skellige 0.1.5

Track and manipulate your source in a programmatic way
# skellige
[![Minimum rustc](](

***Track and manipulate your source in a programmatic way***

***skellige*** wraps the venerable [`git2`]( crate providing cli
stylized progress output for common functions like cloning up updating repositories. `skellige`
introduces a notion of repo groups providing stylized progress for multiple repos at once.

### Quick links
* [Usage]#usage
  * [Rustc requirments]#rustc-requirements
  * [Clone]#clone
  * [Update]#update
* [Contribute]#contribute
  * [Git-Hook]#git-hook
* [License]#license
  * [Contribution]#contribution
* [Backlog]#backlog
* [Changelog]#changelog

## Usage <a name="usage"/></a>
#### Requires rustc >= 1.30 <a name="rustc-requirements"/></a>
This minimum rustc requirement is driven by the enhancemnts made to [Rust's `std::error::Error`
handling improvements](

### Clone <a name="clone"/></a>

### Update <a name="update"/></a>

## Contribute <a name="Contribute"/></a>
Pull requests are always welcome. However understand that they will be evaluated purely on whether
or not the change fits with my goals/ideals for the project.

### Git-Hook <a name="git-hook"/></a>
Enable the git hooks to have automatic version increments
cd ~/Projects/skellige
git config core.hooksPath .githooks

## License <a name="license"/></a>
This project is licensed under either of:
 * Apache License, Version 2.0 [LICENSE-APACHE]LICENSE-APACHE or

### Contribution <a name="contribution"/></a>
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in
this project by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without
any additional terms or conditions.


## Backlog <a name="backlog"/></a>
* Document usage
* Document examples
* Add rust docs
* Determine minimum rustc and update badge

## Changelog <a name="changelog"/></a>
* 12/30/2020
  * Updating documentation a little
* 12/28/2020
  * Use fungus as a dependency