sixtyfps-rendering-backend-gl 0.1.3

OpenGL rendering backend for SixtyFPS
    This file is part of the SixtyFPS Project --
    Copyright (c) 2021 Olivier Goffart <>
    Copyright (c) 2021 Simon Hausmann <>

    SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
    This file is also available under commercial licensing terms.
    Please contact for more information.
// cspell:ignore Noto fontconfig

use femtovg::TextContext;
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
use font_kit::loader::Loader;
use sixtyfps_corelib::graphics::{FontRequest, Point, Size};
use sixtyfps_corelib::items::{
    TextHorizontalAlignment, TextOverflow, TextVerticalAlignment, TextWrap,
use sixtyfps_corelib::{SharedString, SharedVector};
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet};

pub const DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE: f32 = 12.;
pub const DEFAULT_FONT_WEIGHT: i32 = 400; // CSS normal

    target_family = "windows",
    target_os = "macos",
    target_os = "ios",
    target_arch = "wasm32"
mod fontconfig;

/// This function can be used to register a custom TrueType font with SixtyFPS,
/// for use with the `font-family` property. The provided slice must be a valid TrueType
/// font.
pub fn register_font_from_memory(data: &'static [u8]) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    FONT_CACHE.with(|cache| {

#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
pub fn register_font_from_path(path: &std::path::Path) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let requested_path = path.canonicalize().unwrap_or_else(|_| path.to_owned());
    FONT_CACHE.with(|cache| {
        for face_info in cache.borrow().available_fonts.faces() {
            match &face_info.source {
                fontdb::Source::Binary(_) => {}
                fontdb::Source::File(loaded_path) | fontdb::Source::SharedFile(loaded_path, ..) => {
                    if *loaded_path == requested_path {
                        return Ok(());

        cache.borrow_mut().available_fonts.load_font_file(requested_path).map_err(|e| e.into())

#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
pub fn register_font_from_path(_path: &std::path::Path) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    return Err(std::io::Error::new(
        "Registering fonts from paths is not supported in WASM builds",

#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
struct FontCacheKey {
    family: SharedString,
    weight: i32,

pub struct Font {
    fonts: SharedVector<femtovg::FontId>,
    pixel_size: f32,
    text_context: TextContext,

impl Font {
    pub fn init_paint(&self, letter_spacing: f32, mut paint: femtovg::Paint) -> femtovg::Paint {

    pub fn text_size(&self, letter_spacing: f32, text: &str, max_width: Option<f32>) -> Size {
        let paint = self.init_paint(letter_spacing, femtovg::Paint::default());
        let font_metrics = self.text_context.measure_font(paint).unwrap();
        let mut lines = 0;
        let mut width = 0.;
        let mut start = 0;
        if let Some(max_width) = max_width {
            while start < text.len() {
                let index = self.text_context.break_text(max_width, &text[start..], paint).unwrap();
                if index == 0 {
                let index = start + index;
                let measure =
                    self.text_context.measure_text(0., 0., &text[start..index], paint).unwrap();
                start = index;
                lines += 1;
                width = measure.width().max(width);
        } else {
            for line in text.lines() {
                let measure = self.text_context.measure_text(0., 0., line, paint).unwrap();
                lines += 1;
                width = measure.width().max(width);
        euclid::size2(width, lines as f32 * font_metrics.height())

pub(crate) fn text_size(
    font_request: &sixtyfps_corelib::graphics::FontRequest,
    scale_factor: f32,
    text: &str,
    max_width: Option<f32>,
) -> Size {
    let font =
        FONT_CACHE.with(|cache| cache.borrow_mut().font(font_request.clone(), scale_factor, text));
    let letter_spacing = font_request.letter_spacing.unwrap_or_default();
    font.text_size(letter_spacing, text,|x| x * scale_factor)) / scale_factor

#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
struct LoadedFont {
    femtovg_font_id: femtovg::FontId,
    fontdb_face_id: fontdb::ID,

struct SharedFontData(std::sync::Arc<dyn AsRef<[u8]>>);
impl AsRef<[u8]> for SharedFontData {
    fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8] {

struct GlyphCoverage {
    // Used to express script support for all scripts except Unknown, Common and Inherited
    // For those the detailed glyph_coverage is used instead
    supported_scripts: HashMap<unicode_script::Script, bool>,
    // Especially in characters mapped to the common script, the support varies. For example
    // '✓' and the digit '1' map to Common, but not all fonts providing digits also support the
    // check mark glyph.
    exact_glyph_coverage: HashMap<char, bool>,

enum GlyphCoverageCheckResult {

pub struct FontCache {
    loaded_fonts: HashMap<FontCacheKey, LoadedFont>,
    // for a given fontdb face id, this tells us what we've learned about the script
    // coverage of the font.
    loaded_font_coverage: HashMap<fontdb::ID, GlyphCoverage>,
    pub(crate) text_context: TextContext,
    pub(crate) available_fonts: fontdb::Database,
    available_families: HashSet<SharedString>,
        target_family = "windows",
        target_os = "macos",
        target_os = "ios",
        target_arch = "wasm32"
    fontconfig_fallback_families: Vec<String>,

impl Default for FontCache {
    fn default() -> Self {
        let mut font_db = fontdb::Database::new();

            target_family = "windows",
            target_os = "macos",
            target_os = "ios",
            target_arch = "wasm32"
        let mut fontconfig_fallback_families;

        #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
            let data = include_bytes!("fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf");
            font_db.set_sans_serif_family("DejaVu Sans");
        #[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
                target_family = "windows",
                target_os = "macos",
                target_os = "ios",
                target_arch = "wasm32"
            let default_sans_serif_family = "Arial";
                target_family = "windows",
                target_os = "macos",
                target_os = "ios",
                target_arch = "wasm32"
            let default_sans_serif_family = {
                fontconfig_fallback_families = fontconfig::find_families("sans-serif");
        let available_families =

        Self {
            loaded_fonts: HashMap::new(),
            loaded_font_coverage: HashMap::new(),
            text_context: Default::default(),
            available_fonts: font_db,
                target_family = "windows",
                target_os = "macos",
                target_os = "ios",
                target_arch = "wasm32"

thread_local! {
    pub static FONT_CACHE: RefCell<FontCache> = RefCell::new(Default::default())

impl FontCache {
    fn load_single_font(&mut self, request: &FontRequest) -> LoadedFont {
        let text_context = self.text_context.clone();
        let cache_key = FontCacheKey {
            weight: request.weight.unwrap(),

        if let Some(loaded_font) = self.loaded_fonts.get(&cache_key) {
            return *loaded_font;

        let family = request
            .map_or(fontdb::Family::SansSerif, |family| fontdb::Family::Name(family));

        //let now = std::time::Instant::now();
        let query = fontdb::Query {
            families: &[family],
            weight: fontdb::Weight(request.weight.unwrap() as u16),

        let fontdb_face_id = self
            .or_else(|| {
                // If the requested family could not be found, fall back to *some* family that must exist
                let mut fallback_query = query;
                fallback_query.families = &[fontdb::Family::SansSerif];
            .expect("there must be a sans-serif font face registered");

        // Safety: We map font files into memory that - while we never unmap them - may
        // theoretically get corrupted/truncated by another process and then we'll crash
        // and burn. In practice that should not happen though, font files are - at worst -
        // removed by a package manager and they unlink instead of truncate, even when
        // replacing files. Unlinking OTOH is safe and doesn't destroy the file mapping,
        // the backing file becomes an orphan in a special area of the file system. That works
        // on Unixy platforms and on Windows the default file flags prevent the deletion.
        #[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
        let (shared_data, face_index) = unsafe {
            self.available_fonts.make_shared_face_data(fontdb_face_id).expect("unable to mmap font")
        #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
        let (shared_data, face_index) = self
            .map(|(source, face_index)| {
                    match source {
                        fontdb::Source::Binary(data) => data.clone(),
            .expect("invalid fontdb face id");

        let femtovg_font_id = text_context
            .add_shared_font_with_index(SharedFontData(shared_data), face_index)

        //println!("Loaded {:#?} in {}ms.", request, now.elapsed().as_millis());
        let new_font = LoadedFont { femtovg_font_id, fontdb_face_id };
        self.loaded_fonts.insert(cache_key, new_font);

    pub fn font(
        &mut self,
        mut request: FontRequest,
        scale_factor: f32,
        reference_text: &str,
    ) -> Font {
        request.pixel_size = Some(request.pixel_size.unwrap_or(DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE) * scale_factor);
        request.weight = request.weight.or(Some(DEFAULT_FONT_WEIGHT));

        let primary_font = self.load_single_font(&request);

        use unicode_script::{Script, UnicodeScript};
        // map from required script to sample character
        let mut scripts_required: HashMap<unicode_script::Script, char> = Default::default();
        let mut chars_required: HashSet<char> = Default::default();
        for ch in reference_text.chars() {
            if ch.is_control() || ch.is_whitespace() {
            let script = ch.script();
            if script == Script::Common || script == Script::Inherited || script == Script::Unknown
            } else {
                scripts_required.insert(script, ch);

        let mut coverage_result = self.check_and_update_script_coverage(
            &mut scripts_required,
            &mut chars_required,

        //    "coverage for {} after checking primary font: {:#?}",
        //    reference_text, scripts_required

        let fallbacks = if !matches!(coverage_result, GlyphCoverageCheckResult::CoverageComplete) {
            self.font_fallbacks_for_request(&request, &primary_font, reference_text)
        } else {

        let fonts = core::iter::once(primary_font.femtovg_font_id)
            .chain(fallbacks.iter().filter_map(|fallback_request| {
                if matches!(coverage_result, GlyphCoverageCheckResult::CoverageComplete) {
                    return None;

                let fallback_font = self.load_single_font(fallback_request);

                coverage_result = self.check_and_update_script_coverage(
                    &mut scripts_required,
                    &mut chars_required,

                if matches!(coverage_result, GlyphCoverageCheckResult::CoverageImproved) {
                } else {

        Font {
            text_context: self.text_context.clone(),
            pixel_size: request.pixel_size.unwrap(),

    #[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
    fn font_fallbacks_for_request(
        _request: &FontRequest,
        _primary_font: &LoadedFont,
        _reference_text: &str,
    ) -> Vec<FontRequest> {
        let requested_font = match core_text::font::new_from_name(
            &|| "", |s| s.as_str()),
            _request.pixel_size.unwrap_or_default() as f64,
        ) {
            Ok(f) => f,
            Err(_) => return vec![],

        .map(|fallback_descriptor| FontRequest {
            family: Some(fallback_descriptor.family_name().into()),
            weight: _request.weight,
            pixel_size: _request.pixel_size,
            letter_spacing: _request.letter_spacing,
        .filter(|request| self.is_known_family(request))

    #[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
    fn font_fallbacks_for_request(
        _request: &FontRequest,
        _primary_font: &LoadedFont,
        _reference_text: &str,
    ) -> Vec<FontRequest> {
        // TODO: use bindings::Windows::Win32::Graphics::DirectWrite directly.
        let handle = self
            .and_then(|(source, face_index)| match source {
                fontdb::Source::File(path) | fontdb::Source::SharedFile(path, _) => {
                    font_kit::loaders::directwrite::Font::from_path(path, face_index).ok()
                _ => None,
            .unwrap_or_else(|| {
                let family_name = _request
                    .map_or(font_kit::family_name::FamilyName::SansSerif, |family| {

                        &[family_name, font_kit::family_name::FamilyName::SansSerif],
                            .weight(font_kit::properties::Weight(_request.weight.unwrap() as f32)),

            .get_fallbacks(_reference_text, "")
            .map(|fallback_font| FontRequest {
                family: Some(fallback_font.font.family_name().into()),
                weight: _request.weight,
                pixel_size: _request.pixel_size,
                letter_spacing: _request.letter_spacing,
            .filter(|request| self.is_known_family(request))

    #[cfg(all(not(target_os = "macos"), not(target_os = "windows"), not(target_arch = "wasm32")))]
    fn font_fallbacks_for_request(
        _request: &FontRequest,
        _primary_font: &LoadedFont,
        _reference_text: &str,
    ) -> Vec<FontRequest> {
            .map(|family_name| FontRequest {
                family: Some(family_name.into()),
                weight: _request.weight,
                pixel_size: _request.pixel_size,
                letter_spacing: _request.letter_spacing,
            .filter(|request| self.is_known_family(request))

    #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
    fn font_fallbacks_for_request(
        _request: &FontRequest,
        _primary_font: &LoadedFont,
        _reference_text: &str,
    ) -> Vec<FontRequest> {
        [FontRequest {
            family: Some("DejaVu Sans".into()),
            weight: _request.weight,
            pixel_size: _request.pixel_size,
            letter_spacing: _request.letter_spacing,
        .filter(|request| self.is_known_family(request))

    fn is_known_family(&self, request: &FontRequest) -> bool {
            .map(|family_name| self.available_families.contains(&family_name))

    // From the set of script without coverage, remove all entries that are known to be covered by
    // the given face_id. Any yet unknown script coverage for the face_id is updated (hence
    // mutable self).
    fn check_and_update_script_coverage(
        &mut self,
        scripts_without_coverage: &mut HashMap<unicode_script::Script, char>,
        chars_without_coverage: &mut HashSet<char>,
        face_id: fontdb::ID,
    ) -> GlyphCoverageCheckResult {
        //eprintln!("required scripts {:#?}", required_scripts);
        let coverage = self.loaded_font_coverage.entry(face_id).or_default();

        let mut scripts_that_need_checking = Vec::new();
        let mut chars_that_need_checking = Vec::new();

        let old_uncovered_scripts_count = scripts_without_coverage.len();
        let old_uncovered_chars_count = chars_without_coverage.len();

        scripts_without_coverage.retain(|script, sample| {
                || {
                    scripts_that_need_checking.push((*script, *sample));
                    true // this may or may not be supported, so keep it in scripts_without_coverage
                |has_coverage| !has_coverage,

        chars_without_coverage.retain(|ch| {
                || {
                    true // this may or may not be supported, so keep it in chars_without_coverage
                |has_coverage| !has_coverage,

        if !scripts_that_need_checking.is_empty() || !chars_that_need_checking.is_empty() {
            self.available_fonts.with_face_data(face_id, |face_data, face_index| {
                let face = ttf_parser::Face::from_slice(face_data, face_index).unwrap();

                for (unchecked_script, sample_char) in scripts_that_need_checking {
                    let glyph_coverage = face.glyph_index(sample_char).is_some();
                    coverage.supported_scripts.insert(unchecked_script, glyph_coverage);

                    if glyph_coverage {

                for unchecked_char in chars_that_need_checking {
                    let glyph_coverage = face.glyph_index(unchecked_char).is_some();
                    coverage.exact_glyph_coverage.insert(unchecked_char, glyph_coverage);

                    if glyph_coverage {

        let remaining_required_script_coverage = scripts_without_coverage.len();
        let remaining_required_char_coverage = chars_without_coverage.len();

        if remaining_required_script_coverage < old_uncovered_scripts_count
            || remaining_required_char_coverage < old_uncovered_chars_count
        } else if scripts_without_coverage.is_empty() && chars_without_coverage.is_empty() {
        } else {

/// Layout the given string in lines, and call the `layout_line` callback with the line to draw at position y.
/// The signature of the `layout_line` function is: `(canvas, text, pos, start_index, line_metrics)`.
/// start index is the starting byte of the text in the string.
/// Returns the baseline y coordinate.
pub(crate) fn layout_text_lines(
    string: &str,
    font: &Font,
    Size { width: max_width, height: max_height, .. }: Size,
    (horizontal_alignment, vertical_alignment): (TextHorizontalAlignment, TextVerticalAlignment),
    wrap: TextWrap,
    overflow: TextOverflow,
    single_line: bool,
    paint: femtovg::Paint,
    mut layout_line: impl FnMut(&str, Point, usize, &femtovg::TextMetrics),
) -> f32 {
    let wrap = wrap == TextWrap::word_wrap;
    let elide = overflow == TextOverflow::elide;

    let text_context = FONT_CACHE.with(|cache| cache.borrow().text_context.clone());
    let font_metrics = text_context.measure_font(paint).unwrap();
    let font_height = font_metrics.height();

    let text_height = || {
        if single_line {
        } else {
            // Note: this is kind of doing twice the layout because text_size also does it
                if wrap { Some(max_width) } else { None },

    let mut process_line =
        |text: &str, y: f32, start: usize, line_metrics: &femtovg::TextMetrics| {
            let x = match horizontal_alignment {
                TextHorizontalAlignment::left => 0.,
                TextHorizontalAlignment::center => max_width / 2. - line_metrics.width() / 2.,
                TextHorizontalAlignment::right => max_width - line_metrics.width(),
            layout_line(text, Point::new(x, y), start, line_metrics);

    let baseline_y = match vertical_alignment {
        TextVerticalAlignment::top => 0.,
        TextVerticalAlignment::center => max_height / 2. - text_height() / 2.,
        TextVerticalAlignment::bottom => max_height - text_height(),
    let mut y = baseline_y;
    let mut start = 0;
    'lines: while start < string.len() && y + font_height <= max_height {
        if wrap && (!elide || y + 2. * font_height <= max_height) {
            let index = text_context.break_text(max_width, &string[start..], paint).unwrap();
            if index == 0 {
                // FIXME the word is too big to be shown, but we should still break, ideally
            let index = start + index;
            let line = &string[start..index];
            let text_metrics = text_context.measure_text(0., 0., line, paint).unwrap();
            process_line(line, y, start, &text_metrics);
            y += font_height;
            start = index;
        } else {
            let index = if single_line {
            } else {
                string[start..].find('\n').map_or(string.len(), |i| start + i + 1)
            let line = &string[start..index];
            let text_metrics = text_context.measure_text(0., 0., line, paint).unwrap();
            let elide_last_line =
                elide && index < string.len() && y + 2. * font_height > max_height;
            if text_metrics.width() > max_width || elide_last_line {
                let w = max_width
                    - if elide {
                        text_context.measure_text(0., 0., "", paint).unwrap().width()
                    } else {
                let mut current_x = 0.;
                for glyph in &text_metrics.glyphs {
                    current_x += glyph.advance_x;
                    if current_x >= w {
                        let txt = &line[..glyph.byte_index];
                        if elide {
                            let elided = format!("{}", txt);
                            process_line(&elided, y, start, &text_metrics);
                        } else {
                            process_line(txt, y, start, &text_metrics);
                        y += font_height;
                        start = index;
                        continue 'lines;
                if elide_last_line {
                    let elided = format!("{}", line);
                    process_line(&elided, y, start, &text_metrics);
                    y += font_height;
                    start = index;
                    continue 'lines;
            process_line(line, y, start, &text_metrics);
            y += font_height;
            start = index;