sixth_database 1.0.0

In memory serializing to disk Database. Mimics FourthDatabase(C#) and FifthDatabase(C++), SixthDatabase is for Rust using Serde.
name = "sixth_database"
version = "1.0.0"
authors = ["Wepwawet @ Gitlab <>"]
edition = "2018"
crate_name = "sixth_database"
description = "In memory serializing to disk Database. Mimics FourthDatabase(C#) and FifthDatabase(C++), SixthDatabase is for Rust using Serde."
repository = ""
keywords = ["serde", "bincode", "Database", "serializing"]
categories = ["database"]
license = "LGPL-3.0-or-later"
maintenance = { status = "actively-developed" }
readme = ""

serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }
serde_derive = { version = "1.0"}
bincode = {version = "1.0"}

# The development profile, used for `cargo build`.
opt-level = 0      # controls the `--opt-level` the compiler builds with.
                   # 0-1 is good for debugging. 2 is well-optimized. Max is 3.
                   # 's' attempts to reduce size, 'z' reduces size even more.
debug = true       # (u32 or bool) Include debug information (debug symbols).
                   # Equivalent to `-C debuginfo=2` compiler flag.
rpath = false      # controls whether compiler should set loader paths.
                   # If true, passes `-C rpath` flag to the compiler.
lto = false        # Link Time Optimization usually reduces size of binaries
                   # and static libraries. Increases compilation time.
                   # If true, passes `-C lto` flag to the compiler, and if a
                   # string is specified like 'thin' then `-C lto=thin` will
                   # be passed.
debug-assertions = true # controls whether debug assertions are enabled
                   # (e.g., debug_assert!() and arithmetic overflow checks)
codegen-units = 16 # if > 1 enables parallel code generation which improves
                   # compile times, but prevents some optimizations.
                   # Passes `-C codegen-units`.
panic = 'unwind'   # panic strategy (`-C panic=...`), can also be 'abort'
incremental = true # whether or not incremental compilation is enabled
                   # This can be overridden globally with the CARGO_INCREMENTAL
                   # environment variable or `build.incremental` config
                   # variable. Incremental is only used for path sources.
overflow-checks = true # use overflow checks for integer arithmetic.
                   # Passes the `-C overflow-checks=...` flag to the compiler.

# The release profile, used for `cargo build --release` (and the dependencies
# for `cargo test --release`, including the local library or binary).
opt-level = 3
debug = false
rpath = false
lto = false
debug-assertions = false
codegen-units = 16
panic = 'unwind'
incremental = false
overflow-checks = false

# The name of a target is the name of the library that will be generated. This
# is defaulted to the name of the package, with any dashes replaced
# with underscores. (Rust `extern crate` declarations reference this name;
# therefore the value must be a valid Rust identifier to be usable.)
name = "sixth_database"

# This field points at where the crate is located, relative to the `Cargo.toml`.
path = ""

# A flag for enabling unit tests for this target. This is used by `cargo test`.
test = false

# A flag for enabling documentation tests for this target. This is only relevant
# for libraries, it has no effect on other sections. This is used by
# `cargo test`.
doctest = false

# A flag for enabling benchmarks for this target. This is used by `cargo bench`.
bench = false

# A flag for enabling documentation of this target. This is used by `cargo doc`.
doc = true

# If the target is meant to be a compiler plugin, this field must be set to true
# for Cargo to correctly compile it and make it available for all dependencies.
plugin = false

# If the target is meant to be a "macros 1.1" procedural macro, this field must
# be set to true.
proc-macro = false

# If set to false, `cargo test` will omit the `--test` flag to rustc, which
# stops it from generating a test harness. This is useful when the binary being
# built manages the test runner itself.
harness = true

# If set then a target can be configured to use a different edition than the
# `[package]` is configured to use, perhaps only compiling a library with the
# 2018 edition or only compiling one unit test with the 2015 edition. By default
# all targets are compiled with the edition specified in `[package]`.
edition = '2015'