sink 0.1.0

This crate aims to provide an abstraction for a thing which can be sent values and, immediately, return a Result indicating success / failure of receipt. As a base primitive this should enable a message oriented variant of the inbound params to the familiar imperitive Result 'and_then' composition pattern.
name = "sink"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Perry Birch <>"]
license = "MIT"
readme = ""
keywords = ["omnivers3", "sink"]
repository = ""
description = """
This crate aims to provide an abstraction for a thing which can be sent values
and, immediately, return a Result indicating success / failure of receipt.
As a base primitive this should enable a message oriented variant of the
inbound params to the familiar imperitive Result 'and_then' composition pattern.
categories = ["streaming"]

circle-ci = { repository = "omnivers3/sink", branch = "master" }