simplog 1.0.3

An extremely small and simple logger that has levels of output
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# simplog
A small and easy to use rust crate for logging.

## Add to your project
Add the dependency on `simplog`in your crate's `Cargo.toml`file:

simplog = "~1.0"

## Importing
Import the simplog crate in your code, and use the SimpleLogger module.

extern crate simplog;
use simplog::simplog::SimpleLogger;

## Initializing
Initialize the SimpleLogger using the `init()` function by passing it an `Option<&str>` that has a value of `None` or `Some("log_level_str")`, where `log_level_str` is a `&str` with a valid log level, in any case.

The string will be parsed and if valid set as the log level.


## Logging
Logging is done using the normal rust `log` framework, with it's macros for easilly logging at different
levels: `error!()`, `info!()`, etc.

To include the rust logging framework in your project, add a dependency to your `Cargo.toml`:

log = "0.3.8"

and use the crate in your code with:

 extern crate log;

## Example

extern crate log;

extern crate simplog;
use simplog::simplog::SimpleLogger;

fn main() {
    info!("Hello World!");