simplestcrypt 0.1.0

Simplest way to perform a symmetric encryption, using a preshared key. Very small wrapper around aes-siv crate, with randomly generated nonces, for anything more advanced, use aes-siv instead

The only goal of this library is to provide the easiest way to encrypt and decrypt a message to a computer, its a very very minimal and provides no choices for the user to increase performance or security.

It is a minimal wrapper for the crate aes_siv and anyone wanting anything more advanced than what this library provides should look in that crate where ALL the heavy lifting is performed.

Encryption and decryption example:

use std::str;
fn main() {
let payload = "Hello world!".as_bytes();
let password = b"hello wooooooooo";

let encrypted = simplestcrypt::encrypt_and_serialize(&password[..], &payload).unwrap();
let plain = simplestcrypt::deserialize_and_decrypt(&password[..], &encrypted).unwrap();

println!("{:?}", str::from_utf8(&plain));