simplenote 0.2.0

API bindings for the Simplenote service
= Simplenote API - link:[Documentation]

== Usage

Add the following line to your `Cargo.toml`:

simplenote = "0.1.0"

In your crate root, add the following:

extern crate simplenote;

== API

pub fn new<T: Display, U: Display>(username: T, password: U) -> Result<Simplenote, simplenote::Error>;

pub fn notes(&self) -> Result<Vec<Note>, simplenote::Error>;

pub fn notes_filtered(&self, filters: Vec<Filters>) -> Result<Vec<Note>, simplenote::Error>;

pub fn get_note(&self, note_id: &str) -> Result<Note, simplenote::Error>;

pub fn get_note_version<I: Into<Option<u32>>>(&self, note_id: &str, version: I) -> Result<Note, simplenote::Error>;

pub fn add_note<I: Into<Note>>(&self, note: I) -> Result<Note, simplenote::Error>;

pub fn update_note(&self, note: &mut Note) -> Result<(), simplenote::Error>;

pub fn trash_note(&self, note_id: &str) -> Result<Note, simplenote::Error>;

pub fn delete_note(&self, note_id: &str) -> Result<(), simplenote::Error>;