simplemad 0.5.2

An interface for libmad, the MPEG audio decoding library

Build Status

simplemad is a simple interface for libmad, the MPEG audio decoding library.

Use and examples

To begin, create a Decoder from a byte-oriented source using Decoder::decode or Decoder::decode_interval. Fetch results using get_frame or the Iterator interface.

MP3 files often begin with metadata, which will cause libmad to produce errors. It is safe to ignore these errors until libmad reaches audio data and starts producing frames.

use simplemad::{Decoder, Frame};
use std::fs::File;
use std::path::Path;

let path = Path::new("sample_mp3s/constant_stereo_128.mp3");
let file = File::open(&path).unwrap();
let decoder = Decoder::decode(file).unwrap();

for decoding_result in decoder {
    match decoding_result {
        Err(e) => println!("Error: {:?}", e),
        Ok(frame) => {
            println!("Frame sample rate: {}", frame.sample_rate);
            println!("First audio sample (left channel): {}", frame.samples[0][0]);
            println!("First audio sample (right channel): {}", frame.samples[1][0]);

Decode the interval from 30 seconds to 60 seconds:

let mut partial_decoder = Decoder::decode_interval(file, 30_000_f64, 60_000_f64).unwrap();


On Linux, libmad will be built automatically, if it is not installed. On other operating systems, it is necessary to install libmad manually. Links to libmad can be found below. If you are building from source, you will also need to apply the patch found in this guide.


