[][src]Function simplecv::filter::sobel_

pub fn sobel_<S, T>(
    src: &ArrayBase<S, Ix2>,
    ksize: usize,
    dx: u32,
    dy: u32,
    border: BorderType,
    out: &mut ArrayBase<T, Ix2>
) where
    S: Data<Elem = f64>,
    T: DataMut<Elem = f64>, 

Sobel operator implementation.

The output buffer should be allocated by users.

When kernel size is 3, the classical Sobel filter is applied. Read OpenCV Sobel() for more details. Only dx=1, dy=0 and dx=0, dy=1 are supported now.

  • ksize: the kernel size. Currently, only ksize=3 is supported.
  • dx: order of the derivative x.
  • dy: order of the derivative y.
  • border: border type.