simple_redis 0.3.28

Simple and resilient redis client.
# simple_redis

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> Simple and resilient [redis] client for [rust]

* [Overview]#overview
    * [Connection Resiliency]#overview-connection
    * [Subscription Resiliency]#overview-subscription
* [Usage]#usage
* [Installation]#installation
* [API Documentation]
* [Contributing].github/
* [Release History]#history
* [License]#license

<a name="overview"></a>
## Overview
This library provides a very basic, simple API for the most common redis operations.<br>
While not as comprehensive or flexiable as [redis-rs](,
it does provide a simpler api for most common use cases and operations as well as automatic and resilient internal connection
and subscription (pubsub) handling.<br>
In addition, the entire API is accessible via redis client and there is no need to manage connection or pubsub instances in parallel.<br>

<a name="overview-connection"></a>
### Connection Resiliency
Connection resiliency is managed by verifying the internally managed connection before every operation against the redis server.<br>
In case of any connection issue, a new connection will be allocated to ensure the operation is invoked on a valid
connection only.<br>
However, this comes at a small performance cost of PING operation to the redis server.<br>
*In [redis-rs](, connections are no longer usable in case the connection is broken and if operations are invoked
on the client directly, it will basically open a new connection for every operation which is very costly.*

<a name="overview-subscription"></a>
### Subscription Resiliency
Subscription resiliency is ensured by recreating the internal pubsub and issuing new subscription requests
automatically in case of any error while fetching a message from the subscribed channels.<br>
*[redis-rs]( doesn't provide any such automatic resiliency and resubscription capabilities.*

<a name="usage"></a>
## Usage
In order to use this library, you need to first include the crate as follows:

extern crate simple_redis;

Afterwards create a redis client using a connection string:

match simple_redis::create("redis://") {
    Ok(mut client) =>  println!("Created Redis Client"),
    Err(error) => println!("Unable to create Redis client: {}", error)

Once you have a redis client, you can invoke any of the available commands directly or use the run_command function to invoke operations that were not implemented by the library.

match client.set("my_key", "my_value") {
    Err(error) => println!("Unable to set value in Redis: {}", error),
    _ => println!("Value set in Redis")

match client.get_string("my_key") {
    Ok(value) => println!("Read value from Redis: {}", value),
    Err(error) => println!("Unable to get value from Redis: {}", error)

match client.set("my_numeric_key", 255.5) {
    Err(error) => println!("Unable to set value in Redis: {}", error),
    _ => println!("Value set in Redis")

match client.get::<f32>("my_numeric_key") {
    Ok(value) => println!("Read value from Redis: {}", value),
    Err(error) => println!("Unable to get value from Redis: {}", error)

match client.hgetall("my_map") {
    Ok(map) => {
        match map.get("my_field") {
            Some(value) => println!("Got field value from map: {}", value),
            None => println!("Map field is emtpy"),
    Err(error) => println!("Unable to read map from Redis: {}", error),

/// run some command that is not built in the library
match client.run_command::<String>("ECHO", vec!["testing"]) {
    Ok(value) => assert_eq!(value, "testing"),
    _ => panic!("test error"),

/// publish messages
let mut result = client.publish("news_channel", "test message");

/// subscribe to channels
result = client.subscribe("important_notifications");
result = client.psubscribe("*_notifications");

loop {
    // fetch next message (wait up to 5 seconds, 0 for no timeout)
    match client.get_message(5000) {
        Ok(message) => {
            let payload: String = message.get_payload().unwrap();
            assert_eq!(payload, "my important message")
        Err(error) => println!("Error while fetching message, should retry again, info: {}", error),

Once finished with the redis client, you can close the connection using the redis QUIT command:

match client.quit() {
    Err(error) => println!("Error: {}", error),
    _ => println!("Connection Closed.")

<a name="installation"></a>
## Installation
In order to use this library, just add it as a dependency:

simple_redis = "*"

## API Documentation
See full docs at: [API Docs](

## Contributing
See [contributing guide](.github/

<a name="history"></a>
## Release History

| Date        | Version | Description |
| ----------- | ------- | ----------- |
| 2017-08-09  | v0.3.28 | Maintenance |
| 2017-06-16  | v0.3.9  | More commands added |
| 2017-06-13  | v0.3.6  | Maintenance |
| 2017-06-10  | v0.3.1  | Added timeout support for get_message |
| 2017-06-08  | v0.2.8  | More commands added |
| 2017-06-03  | v0.1.7  | pubsub support added |
| 2017-06-02  | v0.1.6  | Initial release. |

<a name="license"></a>
## License
Developed by Sagie Gur-Ari and licensed under the Apache 2 open source license.