simple_proxy 1.3.1

Simple proxy with middlewares, easy to customize, easy to use.

Simple proxy


use simple_proxy::middlewares::{router::*, Logger};
use simple_proxy::{Environment, SimpleProxy};

use structopt::StructOpt;

#[derive(StructOpt, Debug)]
struct Cli {
    port: u16,

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Config();

impl RouterConfig for Config {
    fn get_router_filename(&self) -> &'static str {

async fn main() {
    let args = Cli::from_args();

    let mut proxy = SimpleProxy::new(args.port, Environment::Development);
    let logger = Logger::new();
    let router = Router::new(&Config());

    // Order matters

    // Start proxy
    let _ =;

Custom middleware

You can create your custom middleware by creating a struct implementing Middleware, consisting of 4 callbacks:

  • before_request will be run every time
  • request_failure will be run when the request fails
  • request_success will be run when the request succeeds, you can then handle the response according to the status code or the body
  • after_request will be run every time

For more info, see a default middleware