simple_predicates 0.4.2

A simple local configuration management utility

# `simple_predicates` -- a library for modelling simple boolean predicates

A predicate is a formula that can be evaluated to true or false as a function of the values of the variables that occur in it. In `simple_predicates`, the variables denoted by a user-chosen type satisfying the `Eval` trait (which requires `Clone` and `PartialEq`.) The `Eval` trait also provides an associated `Context` type which can be used to provide contextual data needed to resolve the variables. The `Expr`, `Cnf`, and `Dnf` types can be used to construct evaluable expressions.

# Installation

Add the following to your `Cargo.toml`:

simple_predicates = "0.2"

## Features

| Feature | Description |
| ------- | ----------- |
| "serde" | Enables serialization and deserialization of data using [serde] |

By default, there are no features enabled.

# Example Usage

Lets say we want to write boolean expressions denoting the possibility of a `Vec` relating to some `u32` values according to the `Vec::contains` method. We start by implementing `Eval`:

use simple_predicates::Eval;

// Wrapper struct needed because `u32` & `Eval` are both foreign.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
struct Contains(pub u32);

impl Eval for Contains {
    type Context = Vec<u32>;

    fn eval(&self, data: &Self::Context) -> bool {
        // Evaluate the u32 by checking if it is in the `Vec`.


Now we can check arbitrary containment conditions on a given `Vec` like so:

use simple_predicates::Eval;
use simple_predicates::Expr::*;

let items: Vec<u32> = vec![1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 10];

// `eval` is `true` if input contains 4 but not 5.
let expr = And(



# Cnf / Dnf

For more complex expressions, the nesting of `And` and `Or` expressions can get very tedious, so the `Cnf` and `Dnf` types are provided to simplify their handling.

The `Cnf` type represents the [Conjunctive Normal Form]( of a boolean expression; a set of expressions which are `And`ed together. The `Dnf` type represents the [Disjunctive Normal Form]( of a boolean expression; a set of expressions which are `Or`ed together.

The `Cnf` and `Dnf` types can only be used if the variable type implements `Eq` and `Hash`. They have identical APIs, so the examples below are representative of either.

# Examples

A `Cnf` can be constructed from an Expr, using the `From` trait:

use simple_predicates::Eval;
use simple_predicates::Expr::*;

let items: Vec<u32> = vec![1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 10];

let cnf = Cnf::from(



A `Cnf` can also be constructed from anything that emits Exprs with the `IntoIterator` trait:

use simple_predicates::Eval;
use simple_predicates::Expr::*;

let items: Vec<u32> = vec![1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 10];

let cnf = Cnf::from(vec![



# License

simple_predicates is licenced with the [MIT license](/ or the [Apache version 2.0 license](/, at your option.