simple_azure_monitor_data_collector 0.1.1

Library to send records to the Azure Monitor HTTP Data Collector API
name = "simple_azure_monitor_data_collector"
version = "0.1.1"
authors = ["A Mackay <>"]
license = "MIT"
edition = "2018"
repository = ""
description = "Library to send records to the Azure Monitor HTTP Data Collector API"
keywords = ["azure", "monitor"]

# See more keys and their definitions at

base64 = "0.11.0"
chrono = "0.4.9"
hmac = "0.7.1"
reqwest = { version = "=0.10.0-alpha.1", features = ["json"] }
serde_json = "1.0"
sha2 = "0.8.0"
thiserror = "1.0"
url = "2.1"

#serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }
tokio = "=0.2.0-alpha.6"