simple-test-bbarekas 0.1.0

a simple webserver.
# simple-test-bbarekas

> a crate for building a simple blocking HTTP server

[![Build Status](](

**NOTE**: this crate has not been evaluated for security concerns. therefore, we recommend
that you take caution before using it in a production application.

## up and running

this crate is written in [the rust programming language]. you'll need rust to run
this crate. you can install rust using [rustup]. `simple-test-bbarekas` requires that you
use **rust version 1.20+**.

to get this crate running locally:

1. fork and clone this repository
2. `cd simple-test-bbarekas`
3. `cargo build`

to use this crate in your project, add the following line to your `Cargo.toml`
in the `[dependencies]` section:

simple-test-bbarekas = "0.1.0"

to see this crate in action, check out the [examples].

[the rust programming language]:
[examples]: #examples

## tests

to test this crate locally, run:

cargo test

## docs

this crate has documentation. to build and open the docs locally:

cargo doc --open

## examples

there are several examples provided with this crate:

- [server]
- [routes]

to run an example:

cargo run --example <name of example>

this crate uses the [log] crate for logging. in the example, we use the
[env-logger] crate to display the logs. by default, [env-logger] only
prints out error-level logs. to enable info-level logging as well, you'll
need to do one of the following depending on your system:

on Linux/OS X:

RUST_LOG="simple_test_bbarekas=info" cargo run --example server

on Windows PowerShell:

cargo run --example server


## license

`simple-test-bbarekas` is licensed under both the Apache2 and MIT licenses.