simple-rijndael 0.3.2

Pure Rust, simple implementation of the rijndael-cbc algorithm for osu! score decryption or encryption.

name = "simple-rijndael"

version = "0.3.2"

authors = ["PurePeace <>"]

edition = "2021"

license = "MIT"

repository = ""

description = "Pure Rust, simple implementation of the rijndael-cbc algorithm for osu! score decryption or encryption."

# See more keys and their definitions at


default = ["std"]

std = []



criterion = "0.3"


name = "rijndael_bench"

harness = false

# link-time-optimization

# Enabling makes the compiled program size smaller and higher performance, 

# but it will extend compilation time.


lto = true

codegen-units = 1

opt-level = 3

# link-time-optimization

# Enabling makes the compiled program size smaller and higher performance, 

# but it will extend compilation time.


lto = true

codegen-units = 1

opt-level = 3