simple-message-channels 0.2.0

Simple binary protocol with a channel, type, message scheme
# simple-message-channels

Simple streamable state machine that implements a useful channel, message-type, message pattern.

A port of the JavaScript module [simple-message-channels]( to Rust. Original module by [mafintosh](

* [Docs]

## Examples

See [examples/](examples/).

The following sends three messages, transforms them, and prints the results:

cargo run --example send | cargo run --example echo_upper | cargo run --example recv


This example would read messages from STDIN and echos them back to STDOUT:
async fn echo() -> Result<(), io::Error> {
    let stdin = io::stdin().lock().await;
    let stdout = io::stdout().lock().await;
    let mut reader = Reader::new(stdin);
    let mut writer = Writer::new(stdout);
    while let Some(msg) = {
        let msg = msg?;