simple-html-template 0.1.1

String Template

String Template

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This is essentially a fork of far, with a cache for re-use and an optional macro (enabled by default) to make safe html variables.

The html_map! macro uses the minimal set of escapes (as per The XSS cheatsheet). If you need to have stronger guarantees, i.e. for sending data for attributes, then use html_map_strong! or build the hashmap the usual way and wrap the values with htmlescape::encode_attribute().

Note that, like far, this crate does not deal with escaping the keys or replacements in any way. e.g. if for some reason you need the template to have a ${} literal.

The value of the HashMap which is passed to Template::render() must be AsRef<str>

The only dependency is the optional htmlescape


Provided with a string and a map, simple-html-template will attempt to find all the keys (delimited with ${}) in the template and replace them with the corresponding value in the map. For example:

let template = Template::new("${capitalized specific} are my favorite ${category}.")?;

let args = html_map!{
    "capitalized specific" => "Cats",
    "category" => "animal",

let s = template.render(&args)?;

assert_eq!(s, "Cats are my favorite animal.");

If it fails for some reason, an explanation of why will be returned:

let template = Template::new("${capitalized specific} are my favorite ${category}.")?;

let args = html_map!{
    "capitalized specific" => "Cats",
    // Note the typo here
    "catglory" => "animal",

match template.render(&args) {
    Ok(_) => panic!(),
    Err(e) => {
            format!("{}", e),
            r#"missing key: "category"; extraneous key: "catglory""#

Note that if html is in the variable, it is escaped:

let template = Template::new("${capitalized specific} are my favorite ${category}.")?;

let args = html_map!{
    "capitalized specific" => "<b>Cats</b>",
    "category" => "<i>animal</i>",

let s = template.render(&args)?;

assert_eq!(s, "&lt;b&gt;Cats&lt;/b&gt; are my favorite &lt;i&gt;animal&lt;/i&gt;.");

Additional examples and weird edge-case behaviors can be found in src/tests.


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