simpdiscover 0.1.3

A simple library for UDP based service discovery


Simpdiscovery is a simple rust crate to facilitate discovery of services within the Local Area network (LAN) using UDP Broadcast datagrams or "beacons".

The 'announcer' of a service could be a process on another machines, or another threads or process on the same machine.


  • LAN wide detection of named services and what IP they are at
  • Simple to understand and use
  • Small, few dependencies on the library and small memory and cpu footprint
  • Simple beacon format that is easy to use and that doesn't introduce specific file format support into the library


  • Discovery of services across LANs, WANs, the Web or in the cloud.

Implemented so far

  • BeaconSender struct that can be setup to send beacons:
    • with a specific beacon content String
    • on a specific port
    • with methods to:
      • send forever in a loop at a given time period
      • send just one beacon
  • Simple BeaconListener struct that can be setup to receive beacons:
    • matching a specific message contents
    • with a method that blocks sender and waits until a message is received
      • with an optional timeout value to wait for or None to wait indefinitely
  • Simple 'announce' and 'listen' binaries that use the library as examples
  • A some Doc tests to keep the API docs correct
  • Github Action to build then clippy check then test all

'announce' binary

Run this binary from the repo using cargo run --bin announce or just announce if you have installed the crate with cargo.

It takes an optional command line parameter to specify the String for the beacon message to announce: cargo run --bin announce -- Hello

'listen' binary

Run this binary from the repo using cargo run --bin listen or just listen if you have installed the crate with cargo.

It takes an optional command line parameter to specify the String for the beacon message to wait for before exiting: cargo run --bin listen -- Hello

Notes on things to add in the future


  • sending on background thread (look at implementing via async and not need to have a thread per beacon, just like a timer?)
    • start sending multiple beacons in parallel
  • stop sending a specific beacon
  • stop all beacons with one call?
  • include an arbitrary Byte sequence to also send as meta-data client must serialize so we don't need to include a serialization lib or format


  • a protocol field?
  • to parse any meta-data it must know about the service and know how to parse the format of it's meta-data

Call to wait for a beacon and then run a supplied closure when it is found?

  • supply an optional regex to match the beacon name to filter responses. Make that feature and the crate inclusion behind a feature to keep the project as small as possible.