Crate simdutf8[][src]

Blazingly fast API-compatible UTF-8 validation for Rust using SIMD extensions, based on the implementation from simdjson. Originally ported to Rust by the developers of

Quick start

Use basic::from_utf8() as a drop-in replacement for std::str::from_utf8().

use simdutf8::basic::from_utf8;

println!("{}", from_utf8(b"I \xE2\x9D\xA4\xEF\xB8\x8F UTF-8!").unwrap());

If you need detailed information on validation failures, use compat::from_utf8() instead.

use simdutf8::compat::from_utf8;

let err = from_utf8(b"I \xE2\x9D\xA4\xEF\xB8 UTF-8!").unwrap_err();
assert_eq!(err.valid_up_to(), 5);
assert_eq!(err.error_len(), Some(2));


Basic flavor

Use the basic API flavor for maximum speed. It is fastest on valid UTF-8, but only checks for errors after processing the whole byte sequence and does not provide detailed information if the data is not valid UTF-8. basic::Utf8Error is a zero-sized error struct.

Compat flavor

The compat flavor is fully API-compatible with std::str::from_utf8. In particular, compat::from_utf8() returns a compat::Utf8Error, which has valid_up_to() and error_len() methods. The first is useful for verification of streamed data. The second is useful e.g. for replacing invalid byte sequences with a replacement character.

It also fails early: errors are checked on-the-fly as the string is processed and once an invalid UTF-8 sequence is encountered, it returns without processing the rest of the data. This comes at a performance penality compared to the basic module even if the input is valid UTF-8.

Implementation selection

The fastest implementation is selected at runtime using the std::is_x86_feature_detected! macro unless the CPU targeted by the compiler supports the fastest available implementation. So if you compile with RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=native" on a recent x86-64 machine, the AVX 2 implementation is selected at compile time and runtime selection is disabled.

For no-std support (compiled with --no-default-features) the implementation is always selected at compile time based on the targeted CPU. Use RUSTFLAGS="-C target-feature=+avx2" for the AVX 2 implementation or RUSTFLAGS="-C target-feature=+sse4.2" for the SSE 4.2 implementation.

If you want to be able to call A SIMD implementation directly, use the public_imp feature flag. The validation implementations are then accessible via basic::imp::x86 and compat::imp::x86.



The basic API flavor provides barebones UTF-8 checking at the highest speed.


The compat API flavor provides full compatibility with std::str::from_utf8() and detailed validation errors.