Module simd_json::value

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simd-json JSON-DOM value


pub use self::borrowed::to_value as to_borrowed_value;
pub use self::borrowed::to_value_with_buffers as to_borrowed_value_with_buffers;
pub use self::borrowed::Value as BorrowedValue;
pub use self::owned::to_value as to_owned_value;
pub use self::owned::to_value_with_buffers as to_owned_value_with_buffers;
pub use self::owned::Value as OwnedValue;


This module holds the two dom implementations we use. We distinguish between owned and borrowed. The difference being is that the borrowed value will use &str as its string type, referencing the input, while owned will allocate a new String for each value.
Traits for serializing JSON
Owned, lifetimeless version of the value for times when lifetimes are to be avoided
Prelude for traits
Tape implementation


A type error thrown by the try_* functions


An access error for ValueType
Extended types that have no native representation in JSON
Static tape node
Types of JSON values


Functions guaranteed for any array object
Support of builder methods for traits.
Mutatability for values
A JSON Object
The Value exposes common interface for values, this allows using both BorrowedValue and OwnedValue nearly interchangable
Trait to allow accessing data inside a Value
A trait that specifies how to turn the Value into it’s sub types
A Value that can be serialized and written


Parses a slice of bytes into a Value dom. This function will rewrite the slice to de-escape strings. As we reference parts of the input slice the resulting dom has the same lifetime as the slice it was created from.