simd-json 0.7.0

High performance JSON parser based on a port of simdjson
use crate::error::ErrorType;
use crate::neon::stage1::bit_mask;
use crate::safer_unchecked::GetSaferUnchecked;
use crate::stringparse::{handle_unicode_codepoint, ESCAPE_MAP};
use crate::Deserializer;
use crate::Result;
use std::arch::aarch64::{
    uint8x16_t, vandq_u8, vceqq_u8, vgetq_lane_u32, vld1q_u8, vmovq_n_u8, vpaddq_u8,

#[cfg_attr(not(feature = "no-inline"), inline(always))]
fn find_bs_bits_and_quote_bits(v0: uint8x16_t, v1: uint8x16_t) -> (u32, u32) {
    unsafe {
        let quote_mask = vmovq_n_u8(b'"');
        let bs_mask = vmovq_n_u8(b'\\');
        let bit_mask = bit_mask();

        let cmp_bs_0: uint8x16_t = vceqq_u8(v0, bs_mask);
        let cmp_bs_1: uint8x16_t = vceqq_u8(v1, bs_mask);
        let cmp_qt_0: uint8x16_t = vceqq_u8(v0, quote_mask);
        let cmp_qt_1: uint8x16_t = vceqq_u8(v1, quote_mask);

        let cmp_bs_0 = vandq_u8(cmp_bs_0, bit_mask);
        let cmp_bs_1 = vandq_u8(cmp_bs_1, bit_mask);
        let cmp_qt_0 = vandq_u8(cmp_qt_0, bit_mask);
        let cmp_qt_1 = vandq_u8(cmp_qt_1, bit_mask);

        let sum0: uint8x16_t = vpaddq_u8(cmp_bs_0, cmp_bs_1);
        let sum1: uint8x16_t = vpaddq_u8(cmp_qt_0, cmp_qt_1);
        let sum0 = vpaddq_u8(sum0, sum1);
        let sum0 = vpaddq_u8(sum0, sum0);

            vgetq_lane_u32(vreinterpretq_u32_u8(sum0), 0),
            vgetq_lane_u32(vreinterpretq_u32_u8(sum0), 1),

impl<'de> Deserializer<'de> {
    #[cfg_attr(not(feature = "no-inline"), inline(always))]
    pub(crate) fn parse_str_<'invoke>(
        input: &'de [u8],
        data: &'invoke [u8],
        buffer: &'invoke mut [u8],
        mut idx: usize,
    ) -> Result<&'de str> {
        use ErrorType::{InvalidEscape, InvalidUnicodeCodepoint};
        let input: &mut [u8] = unsafe { std::mem::transmute(input) };
        // Add 1 to skip the initial "
        idx += 1;
        //let mut read: usize = 0;

        // we include the terminal '"' so we know where to end
        // This is safe since we check sub's length in the range access above and only
        // create sub sliced form sub to `sub.len()`.

        let src: &[u8] = unsafe { data.get_kinda_unchecked(idx..) };
        let mut src_i: usize = 0;
        let mut len = src_i;
        loop {
            let (v0, v1) = unsafe {
                    vld1q_u8(src.get_kinda_unchecked(src_i..src_i + 16).as_ptr()),
                    vld1q_u8(src.get_kinda_unchecked(src_i + 16..src_i + 32).as_ptr()),

            let (bs_bits, quote_bits) = find_bs_bits_and_quote_bits(v0, v1);

            if (bs_bits.wrapping_sub(1) & quote_bits) != 0 {
                // we encountered quotes first. Move dst to point to quotes and exit
                // find out where the quote is...
                let quote_dist: u32 = quote_bits.trailing_zeros();

                // Above, check for overflow in case someone has a crazy string (>=4GB?)
                // But only add the overflow check when the document itself exceeds 4GB
                // Currently unneeded because we refuse to parse docs larger or equal to 4GB.

                // we advance the point, accounting for the fact that we have a NULl termination

                len += quote_dist as usize;
                unsafe {
                    let v = input.get_kinda_unchecked(idx..idx + len) as *const [u8] as *const str;
                    return Ok(&*v);

                // we compare the pointers since we care if they are 'at the same spot'
                // not if they are the same value
            if (quote_bits.wrapping_sub(1) & bs_bits) == 0 {
                // they are the same. Since they can't co-occur, it means we encountered
                // neither.
                src_i += 32;
                len += 32;
            } else {
                // Move to the 'bad' character
                let bs_dist: u32 = bs_bits.trailing_zeros();
                len += bs_dist as usize;
                src_i += bs_dist as usize;

        let mut dst_i: usize = 0;

        // To be more conform with upstream
        loop {
            let (v0, v1) = unsafe {
                    vld1q_u8(src.get_kinda_unchecked(src_i..src_i + 16).as_ptr()),
                    vld1q_u8(src.get_kinda_unchecked(src_i + 16..src_i + 32).as_ptr()),

            unsafe {
                    .get_kinda_unchecked_mut(dst_i..dst_i + 32)
                    .copy_from_slice(src.get_kinda_unchecked(src_i..src_i + 32));

            // store to dest unconditionally - we can overwrite the bits we don't like
            // later
            let (bs_bits, quote_bits) = find_bs_bits_and_quote_bits(v0, v1);

            if (bs_bits.wrapping_sub(1) & quote_bits) != 0 {
                // we encountered quotes first. Move dst to point to quotes and exit
                // find out where the quote is...
                let quote_dist: u32 = quote_bits.trailing_zeros();

                // Above, check for overflow in case someone has a crazy string (>=4GB?)
                // But only add the overflow check when the document itself exceeds 4GB
                // Currently unneeded because we refuse to parse docs larger or equal to 4GB.

                // we advance the point, accounting for the fact that we have a NULl termination

                dst_i += quote_dist as usize;
                unsafe {
                        .get_kinda_unchecked_mut(idx + len..idx + len + dst_i)
                    let v = input.get_kinda_unchecked(idx..idx + len + dst_i) as *const [u8]
                        as *const str;
                    return Ok(&*v);

                // we compare the pointers since we care if they are 'at the same spot'
                // not if they are the same value
            if (quote_bits.wrapping_sub(1) & bs_bits) != 0 {
                // find out where the backspace is
                let bs_dist: u32 = bs_bits.trailing_zeros();
                let escape_char: u8 =
                    unsafe { *src.get_kinda_unchecked(src_i + bs_dist as usize + 1) };
                // we encountered backslash first. Handle backslash
                if escape_char == b'u' {
                    // move src/dst up to the start; they will be further adjusted
                    // within the unicode codepoint handling code.
                    src_i += bs_dist as usize;
                    dst_i += bs_dist as usize;
                    let (o, s) = if let Ok(r) = handle_unicode_codepoint(
                        unsafe { src.get_kinda_unchecked(src_i..) },
                        unsafe { buffer.get_kinda_unchecked_mut(dst_i..) },
                    ) {
                    } else {
                        return Err(Self::raw_error(src_i, 'u', InvalidUnicodeCodepoint));
                    if o == 0 {
                        return Err(Self::raw_error(src_i, 'u', InvalidUnicodeCodepoint));
                    // We moved o steps forward at the destination and 6 on the source
                    src_i += s;
                    dst_i += o;
                } else {
                    // simple 1:1 conversion. Will eat bs_dist+2 characters in input and
                    // write bs_dist+1 characters to output
                    // note this may reach beyond the part of the buffer we've actually
                    // seen. I think this is ok
                    let escape_result: u8 =
                        unsafe { *ESCAPE_MAP.get_kinda_unchecked(escape_char as usize) };
                    if escape_result == 0 {
                        return Err(Self::raw_error(src_i, escape_char as char, InvalidEscape));
                    unsafe {
                        *buffer.get_kinda_unchecked_mut(dst_i + bs_dist as usize) = escape_result;
                    src_i += bs_dist as usize + 2;
                    dst_i += bs_dist as usize + 1;
            } else {
                // they are the same. Since they can't co-occur, it means we encountered
                // neither.
                src_i += 32;
                dst_i += 32;