simble 0.1.1

Simple symbols: allocation-less strings up to 8 bytes long


Simple, tiny symbols. Human-readable strings up to 8 bytes long that can be stored inline and manipulated efficiently.

Why would I want this?


  • you are working with human-readable strings that never exceed 8 bytes
  • the set of strings is not fixed at compile time, so you can't use an enum

Then Simble offers:

  • efficient storage
  • fast comparisons and hashing

Optional features

  • serde: Lexical and Printable both serialize/deserialize like a restricted String

Current nightly features

Enable with the nightly feature:

  • non-null type usage, so that size_of::<Option<Lexical>> == 8
  • const fns, so that you can define symbols that will be parsed at compile time