Module silkenweb::window

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Window utilities.



  • Add a afterprint event handler at the window level.
  • Add a appinstalled event handler at the window level.
  • Add a auxclick event handler at the window level.
  • Add a beforeinput event handler at the window level.
  • Add a beforeinstallprompt event handler at the window level.
  • Add a beforeprint event handler at the window level.
  • Add a beforeunload event handler at the window level.
  • Add a blur event handler at the window level.
  • Add a change event handler at the window level.
  • Add a click event handler at the window level.
  • Add a compositionend event handler at the window level.
  • Add a compositionstart event handler at the window level.
  • Add a compositionupdate event handler at the window level.
  • Add a contextmenu event handler at the window level.
  • Add a copy event handler at the window level.
  • Add a cut event handler at the window level.
  • Add a dblclick event handler at the window level.
  • Add a devicemotion event handler at the window level.
  • Add a deviceorientation event handler at the window level.
  • Add a deviceorientationabsolute event handler at the window level.
  • Add a DOMCContentLoaded event handler at the window level.“ ]
  • Add a drag event handler at the window level.
  • Add a dragend event handler at the window level.
  • Add a dragenter event handler at the window level.
  • Add a dragleave event handler at the window level.
  • Add a dragover event handler at the window level.
  • Add a dragstart event handler at the window level.
  • Add a drop event handler at the window level.
  • Add a error event handler at the window level.
  • Add a focus event handler at the window level.
  • Add a focusin event handler at the window level.
  • Add a focusout event handler at the window level.
  • Add a gamepadconnected event handler at the window level.
  • Add a gamepaddisconnected event handler at the window level.
  • Add a hashchange event handler at the window level.
  • Add a input event handler at the window level.
  • Add a keydown event handler at the window level.
  • Add a keyup event handler at the window level.
  • Add a languagechange event handler at the window level.
  • Add a load event handler at the window level.
  • Add a message event handler at the window level.
  • Add a messageerror event handler at the window level.
  • Add a mousedown event handler at the window level.
  • Add a mousemove event handler at the window level.
  • Add a mouseout event handler at the window level.
  • Add a mouseover event handler at the window level.
  • Add a mouseup event handler at the window level.
  • Add a offline event handler at the window level.
  • Add a online event handler at the window level.
  • Add a pagehide event handler at the window level.
  • Add a pageshow event handler at the window level.
  • Add a paste event handler at the window level.
  • Add a popstate event handler at the window level.
  • Add a rejectionhandled event handler at the window level.
  • Add a reset event handler at the window level.
  • Add a resize event handler at the window level.
  • Add a select event handler at the window level.
  • Add a storage event handler at the window level.
  • Add a submit event handler at the window level.
  • Add a touchcancel event handler at the window level.
  • Add a touchend event handler at the window level.
  • Add a touchmove event handler at the window level.
  • Add a touchstart event handler at the window level.
  • Add a unhandledrejection event handler at the window level.
  • Add a unload event handler at the window level.
  • Add a wheel event handler at the window level.