silkenweb-dom 0.1.3

Silkenweb DOM API
# **This Crate is Deprecated**

This is an old implementation crate for Silkenweb that is no longer used.

[![MIT/Apache-2 licensed](](./LICENSE-APACHE)

A library for building reactive single page web apps.

## Features

- Fine grained reactivity using signals to minimize DOM API calls
- No VDOM. Calls to the DOM API and your rendering code are minimized using signals.
- Uses plain Rust syntax rather than a macro DSL
- Downcasts Js objects for you where the type is known at compile time. For example:
  - `input().dom_element()` returns a `web_sys::HtmlInputElement`
  - `button().on_click(...)` passes your event handler a `web_sys::HtmlInputElement` and a `web_sys::MouseEvent`.

## Example: A Simple Counter

use silkenweb::{
    elements::{button, div, p},

fn main() {
    let count = Signal::new(0);
    let set_count = count.write();
    let inc = move |_, _| set_count.replace(|&i| i + 1);
    let count_text =|i| format!("{}", i));

    let app = div()

    mount("app", app);

## Quick Start

rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
cargo install trunk wasm-pack
cargo install wasm-bindgen-cli --version 0.2.73
cd examples/counter
trunk serve --open

## Learning

- [Learning Silkenweb With Entirely Too Many Counters]
- Check out the [examples] folder