sic_image_engine 0.21.0

Component of the sic cli: provides abstractions for (the application of) image operations.
use crate::errors::SicImageEngineError;
use crate::operations::ImageOperation;
use rayon::iter::{IntoParallelRefMutIterator, ParallelIterator};
use sic_core::{image, SicImage};

pub struct HueRotate {
    degree: i32,

impl HueRotate {
    pub fn new(degree: i32) -> Self {
        Self { degree }

impl ImageOperation for HueRotate {
    fn apply_operation(&self, image: &mut SicImage) -> Result<(), SicImageEngineError> {
        match image {
            SicImage::Static(image) => *image = image.huerotate(,
            SicImage::Animated(image) => hue_rotate_animated_image(image.frames_mut(),,


fn hue_rotate_animated_image(frames: &mut [image::Frame], degree: i32) {
    frames.par_iter_mut().for_each(|frame| {
        *frame.buffer_mut() = image::imageops::huerotate(frame.buffer_mut(), degree);