sic 0.22.4

Accessible image processing and conversion from the terminal (and a front-end for the 'image' crate).

unlicensed = "deny"

copyleft = "deny"

confidence-threshold = 0.925

allow = [


    "Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception",










name = "exr"

expression = "BSD-3-Clause"

license-files = [

    { path = "", hash = 0xf0600744 },



vulnerability = "deny"

unmaintained = "deny"

notice = "deny"

ignore = [

    # Potential segfault in the time crate

    # NB: has been fixed in time >=0.2.23, however waiting on chrono crate to update

    # chrono PR:


    # Potential segfault in localtime_r invocations, see 2020-0071


    # unmaintained crate ansi_term


    # unmaintained crate rusttype

