shush 0.1.6

A management tool for silencing Sensu checks written in Rust
shush-0.1.6 is not a library.


Silence is golden.


Sensu is an alerting solution that provides per host metric checks. The Sensu primitives are checks, subscriptions, and clients. A check corresponds to a comparison of a metric against the specified theshold. A client is a single host identified by an ID. A subscription is one or more nodes grouped under the same subscription name. Sensu can be used for alerting on critical and warning thresholds and enables integration for any Ruby-compatible API with many existing plugins that have already been contributed. As a result this can be a critical part of monitoring infrastucture. However, these thresholds are static, and in maintenance cases, there can often be false positives and corner cases. This tool enables the user to create, remove, or list active silences for combinations of clients/subscriptions and checks in Sensu. This is useful for noise reduction, scheduled maintenance, and temporary or permanent silencing when adjusting thresholds. Shush is a simple way to silence on any combination of subscriptions and checks or clients and checks.

External dependencies

A Sensu server with a version of the REST API of 0.29 or greater is a hard requirement.

For more information on the Sensu REST API, click here.

Setup and background

Shush accesses three Sensu API endpoints. For Shush to be operational the following Sensu endpoints must be reachable:

  • GET /clients
  • POST /silenced
  • POST /silenced/clear

This tool gives the user with the option to provide instance IDs (AWS-specific - click here for a setup guide) or to provide Sensu client IDs (applicable for all applications using Sensu).

When providing either instance IDs or Sensu client IDs as opposed to subscriptions, validation against the Sensu server is performed to verify that the ID is registered and active. Additionally, shush performs mapping from instance ID to sensu client ID when using the parameters -n (long form, --aws-nodes).

Notes on usage

Shush has three actions: silence, clear silence, and list. The default is silence, -l enables listing mode, and -r enables clearing mode.

Parameter details

Shush operates in silence mode when neither -l nor -r is provided. It will silence any nodes associated with the instance IDs passed -n, client IDs passed to -i, subscriptions passed to -s, or checks passed to -c. All arguments can take a single value or a comma separated list of values. Only one of instance IDs, client IDs and subscriptions can be specified in one invocation of Shush.

-l combined with either of the flags -c or -s (-n and -i are not allowed) will list the requested information matched against the argument passed to the corresponding flag. This is expected to be a regex and will be compiled as such or ignored.

-r added to the same parameters used in silence mode will simply clear the same checks created by silence mode.

Rust Version

Shush was developed on Rust 1.16 and is not guaranteed to work on anything earlier.


List all active silences

shush -l

List all active silences with a subscription matching the regex something.*

shush -l -s "something.*"

Silence all checks on clients with instance IDs INST_ID_1 and INST_ID_2

shush -n INST_ID_1,INST_ID2

Silence check SOME_CHECK for 1 hour and 30 minutes

shush -c SOME_CHECK -e 1h30m

Silence check SOME_CHECK indefinitely

shush -c SOME_CHECK -e none

Silence check SOME_CHECK until alert resolves

shush -c SOME_CHECK -o

Silence check SOME_CHECK on client with instance ID INST_ID_1

shush -n INST_ID_1 -c SOME_CHECK

Silence check SOME_CHECK on client with Sensu client name CLIENT_1

shush -i CLIENT_1 -c SOME_CHECK

Silence check SOME_CHECK on client with Sensu subscription SUB_1

shush -s SUB_1 -c SOME_CHECK

Clear check silence for SOME_CHECK on client with instance ID INST_ID_1

shush -r -n INST_ID_1 -c SOME_CHECK

AWS-Specific Configuration

To configure AWS support for shush, you will need to make modifications on the Sensu side as well. Sensu checks operate by sending a JSON payload back to the Sensu server with some predefined and some arbitrary data. To enable shush selection by AWS instance ID, add an instance_id key with a value equivalent to executing the following command from your AWS node:


This must be added to the Sensu client object. See here for more details. Once this has been done on the server side, shush will do the rest.