shrinkwraprs 0.0.1

Auto-derive for Rust conversion traits -- make working with newtypes a breeze
# shrinkwraprs

Making wrapper types allows us to give more compile-time
guarantees about our code being correct:

// Now we can't mix up widths and heights; the compiler will yell at us!
struct Width(i64);
struct Height(i64);

But... they're kind of a pain to work with. If you ever need to get at
that wrapped `i64`, you need to constantly pattern-match back and forth
to wrap and unwrap the values.

`shrinkwraprs` aims to alleviate this pain by allowing you to derive
implementations of various conversion traits by attaching

## Traits implemented

Currently, `shrinkwraprs` derives the following traits for all structs:

* `AsRef<InnerType>`
* `AsMut<InnerType>`
* `Borrow<InnerType>`
* `BorrowMut<InnerType>`
* `Deref<Target=InnerType>`
* `DerefMut<Target=InnerType>`

## Cool, how do I use it?

First, add `shrinkwraprs` as a dependency in your `Cargo.toml`:


shrinkwraprs = "0.0.1"

Then, just slap a `#[derive(Shrinkwrap)]` on any structs you want

#[macro_use] extern crate shrinkwraprs;

struct Email(String);

fn main() {
  let email = Email("".into());

  let is_discriminated_email =
    (*email).contains("+");  // Woohoo, we can use the email like a string!

  /* ... */

If you have multiple fields, but there's only one field you want to be able
to deref/borrow as, mark it with `#[shrinkwrap(main_field)]`:

struct Email {
  spamminess: f64,
  #[shrinkwrap(main_field)] addr: String

struct CodeSpan(u32, u32, #[shrinkwrap(main_field)] Token);