show-my-errors 0.1.2

Nice, colorful and simple error output
show-my-errors-0.1.2 has been yanked.


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This is a library to display simple errors in colorful, rustc-like way. It can't show multi-line errors or draw arrows between parts of code, but its interface is simple and easy to use. If you want something more complex, you probably should use annotate-snippets, which is used by rustc itself.

example output

Basic usage

Entry point of this library is AnnotationList. You should create it, add some errors and then use .show_stderr() or .show_stdout() with some Stylesheet to display the message.

let mut list = AnnotationList::new("hello.txt", "Hello world!");
    .warning(4..7, "punctuation problem", "you probably forgot a comma")?
    .info(0..0, "consider adding some translations", None)?;
assert_eq!(list.to_string()?, r#"
warning: punctuation problem
  --> hello.txt:1:5
 1 | Hello world!
   |     ^^^ you probably forgot a comma

info: consider adding some translations
  --> hello.txt:1:1
 1 | Hello world!


SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0