shortkut 0.1.0

Get 10x more productive with shortkut. A fast, powerful terminal shortcut manager.
# Shortkut

A cross-platform, performant terminal shortcut manager.

## 🔨 Build Status

| Feature                  | Windows | MacOS | Linux |
| ------------------------ | ------- | ----- | ----- |
| Install Shortcut Bundle  | ✅      | ✅    | ✅    |
| Register Custom Shortcut | ✅      | ✅    | ✅    |
| Remove Shortcut Bundle   | ✅      | ✅    | ✅    |
| Remove Custom Shortcut   | ✅      | ✅    | ✅    |

## Installation

Download the latest release for your operating system from the [Releases]( page and run the Installer.

Type `shc` for a help menu.

shc 1.0.0
* add - Add a shortcut
* remove - Remove a shortcut
* show - Show a shortcut pack
* search - Search for a shortcut pack