shorthand 0.1.1

A proc_macro to derive getter and setter for structs
#![doc(html_root_url = "")]
//! # shorthand
//! [`shorthand`]( is defined as
//! `a system of fast writing`
//! and that is exactly what this library is for; to remove the annoying
//! boilerplate code, that comes with writing your own library.
//! # What does this library do?
//! It makes coding in rust a lot more convenient, by deriving `getters` and
//! `setters` for the fields of a struct.
//! ```
//! use shorthand::ShortHand;
//! #[derive(ShortHand, Default)]
//! pub struct Example {
//!     number: usize,
//!     data: String,
//! }
//! let mut example = Example::default();
//! assert_eq!(example.number(), 0);
//! example.set_number(1);
//! assert_eq!(example.number(), 1);
//! assert_eq!(, &"".to_string());
//! example.set_data("hi".to_string());
//! assert_eq!(, &"hi".to_string());
//! ```
//! Otherwise, you would have to write the this by hand
//! ```
//! # pub struct Example {
//! #     number: usize,
//! #     data: String,
//! # }
//! #[allow(dead_code)]
//! impl Example {
//!     #[inline(always)]
//!     pub fn number(&self) -> usize { self.number }
//!     #[inline(always)]
//!     pub fn set_number(&mut self, value: usize) -> &mut Self {
//!         self.number = value;
//!         self
//!     }
//!     #[inline(always)]
//!     pub fn data(&self) -> &String { & }
//!     #[inline(always)]
//!     pub fn set_data(&mut self, value: String) -> &mut Self {
//! = value;
//!         self
//!     }
//! }
//! ```
//! # How do I get started?
//! Simply add this library under `[dependencies]` to your `Cargo.toml`
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies]
//! shorthand = "0.1.0"
//! ```
//! You can then derive `ShortHand` for any struct
//! ```
//! use shorthand::ShortHand;
//! #[derive(ShortHand)]
//! struct Example {
//!     field: usize,
//! }
//! ```
//! # Customization
//! The derive macro can be heavily customized with the `#[shorthand]`
//! attribute. It has the following main attributes:
//! * [`enable`](#enable)
//! * [`disable`](#disable)
//! * [`visibility`](#visibility)
//! * [`rename`](#rename)
//! ## `enable`
//! This attribute allows you to enable certain attributes. For example by
//! default the attribute [`into`](#into) is disabled.
//! ```
//! use shorthand::ShortHand;
//! #[derive(ShortHand, Default)]
//! struct Example {
//!     #[shorthand(enable(into))]
//!     field: String,
//!     other: String,
//! }
//! let mut example = Example::default();
//! example.set_field("field"); // accepts any type, that implements Into<String> or From<String>
//! example.set_other("other".to_string());
//! assert_eq!(example.field(), &"field".to_string());
//! assert_eq!(example.other(), &"other".to_string());
//! ```
//! You can find a list with all attributes, that can be enabled
//! [here](#attributes).
//! ## `disable`
//! This attribute allows you to disable certain attributes. For example by
//! default the attribute [`primitive_copy`](#primitive_copy) is enabled
//! ```
//! use shorthand::ShortHand;
//! #[derive(ShortHand, Default)]
//! struct Example {
//!     #[shorthand(disable(primitive_copy))]
//!     field: usize,
//!     other: usize,
//! }
//! let example = Example::default();
//! assert_eq!(example.field(), &0); // returns a reference, instead of copying the value
//! assert_eq!(example.other(), 0);
//! ```
//! You can find a list with all attributes, that can be disabled
//! [here](#attributes).
//! ## `visibility`
//! This attribute allows you to change the visibility of the derived function.
//! Anything from
//! [here](
//! is valid. You can also set the visibility to `inherit`, all derived
//! functions will then have the visibility of the struct.
//! You can either apply this as a local or as a global attribute. The default
//! visibility is `pub`.
//! ```
//! use shorthand::ShortHand;
//! #[derive(ShortHand, Default)]
//! #[shorthand(visibility("pub(crate)"))]
//! struct Example {
//!     field: usize,
//!     #[shorthand(visibility("pub"))]
//!     data: String,
//!     #[shorthand(visibility(inherit))]
//!     xt: String,
//! }
//! ```
//! ## `rename`
//! This attribute allows you to rename the derived function, with a pattern.
//! You can either apply this as a local or as a global attribute.
//! ```
//! use shorthand::ShortHand;
//! #[derive(ShortHand, Default)]
//! #[shorthand(rename("prefix_{}_suffix"))]
//! struct Example {
//!     field: usize,
//!     #[shorthand(rename(format = "example_{}"))]
//!     data: String,
//! }
//! let mut example = Example::default();
//! example.set_prefix_field_suffix(1);
//! example.set_example_data("Hello".to_string());
//! assert_eq!(example.prefix_field_suffix(), 1);
//! assert_eq!(example.example_data(), &"Hello".to_string());
//! ```
//! This attribute also supports changing the getter and setter individually:
//! ```
//! use shorthand::ShortHand;
//! #[derive(ShortHand, Default)]
//! #[shorthand(rename(format = "prefix_{}_suffix"))]
//! struct Example {
//!     #[shorthand(rename(get = "get_{}", set = "set_{}_a"))]
//!     field: usize,
//!     #[shorthand(rename(get = "get_{}"))] // this will not change the setter
//!     data: String,
//! }
//! let mut example = Example::default();
//! example.set_field_a(1);
//! example.set_data("Hello".to_string());
//! assert_eq!(example.get_field(), 1);
//! assert_eq!(example.get_data(), &"Hello".to_string());
//! ```
//! In the case, that you have a rename attribute on the entire struct, but you
//! do not want to apply it for one specific field, you can disable it.
//! ```
//! use shorthand::ShortHand;
//! #[derive(ShortHand, Default)]
//! #[shorthand(rename("prefix_{}_suffix"))]
//! struct Example {
//!     #[shorthand(disable(rename))]
//!     field: usize,
//!     data: String,
//! }
//! let mut example = Example::default();
//! example.set_field(1);
//! example.set_prefix_data_suffix("Hello".to_string());
//! assert_eq!(example.field(), 1);
//! assert_eq!(example.prefix_data_suffix(), &"Hello".to_string());
//! ```
//! It is also possible to rename single fields
//! ```
//! use shorthand::ShortHand;
//! #[derive(ShortHand, Default)]
//! struct Example {
//!     #[shorthand(rename("is_default"))]
//!     default: bool,
//! }
//! assert_eq!(Example::default().is_default(), false);
//! ```
//! ## List of Attributes
//! - [`option_as_ref`](derive.ShortHand.html#option_as_ref)
//! - [`const_fn`](derive.ShortHand.html#const_fn)
//! - [`primitive_copy`](derive.ShortHand.html#primitive_copy)
//! - [`inline`](derive.ShortHand.html#inline)
//! - [`must_use`](derive.ShortHand.html#must_use)
//! - [`copy`](derive.ShortHand.html#copy)
//! - [`get`](derive.ShortHand.html#get)
//! - [`set`](derive.ShortHand.html#set)
//! - [`into`](derive.ShortHand.html#into)
//! - [`try_into`](derive.ShortHand.html#try_into)
//! - [`get_mut`](derive.ShortHand.html#get_mut)
//! - [`ignore_phantomdata`](derive.ShortHand.html#ignore_phantomdata)
//! - [`skip`](derive.ShortHand.html#skip)
//! - [`rename`](derive.ShortHand.html#rename)
//! - [`forward`](derive.ShortHand.html#forward)
//! - [`ignore_underscore`](derive.ShortHand.html#ignore_underscore)
//! - [`collection_magic`](derive.ShortHand.html#collection_magic)
//! - [`strip_option`](derive.ShortHand.html#strip_option)
//! - [`clone`](derive.ShortHand.html#clone)
//! ### Enabled by default
//! The following attributes are [`enable`]d by default
//! - [`option_as_ref`](#option_as_ref)
//! - [`primitive_copy`](#primitive_copy)
//! - [`inline`](#inline)
//! - [`get`](#get)
//! - [`set`](#set)
//! - [`ignore_phantomdata`](#ignore_phantomdata)
//! - [`forward_attributes`](#forward_attributes)
//! [`enable`]: #enable
//! # Feature Requests and Bug Reports
//! Feel free to ask questions or report bugs [here](
//! There are no stupid questions.
//! This library should be as convenient as possible, so please do not hesitate
//! to request a feature.
//! # Reference
//! This library has been inspired by the following crates
//! - [`getset`] (just the issue tracker and which features were requested)
//! - [`thiserror`]
//! - [`derive-builder`]
//! - [`proc-macro-workshop`]
//! [`getset`]:
//! [`thiserror`]:
//! [`derive-builder`]:
//! [`proc-macro-workshop`]:
//! [`proc_macro`]:
#![deny(clippy::use_self, unconditional_recursion)]
#![warn(clippy::pedantic, clippy::nursery, clippy::cargo)]
#![allow(clippy::must_use_candidate, clippy::default_trait_access)]
extern crate proc_macro;

mod attributes;
mod error;
mod expand;
mod forward;
mod options;
mod parser;
mod rename;
mod utils;
mod visibility;

pub(crate) use error::Error;
pub(crate) type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;

use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use syn::{parse_macro_input, DeriveInput};

/// A [`proc_macro`] to derive getter, mutgetter and setter for fields.
/// A list of all attributes can be found [here](index.html#attributes).
/// # Attributes
/// ## `option_as_ref`
/// This attribute makes the getter return `Option<&T>` instead of `&Option<T>`.
/// This feature is enabled by default and recommended, because most of the
/// functions for [`Option`] consume the type.
/// You can find a discussion, about wether or not you should use it
/// [here](
/// ## `const_fn`
/// There is a new feature coming to rust called constant functions.
/// Functions, that are marked with `const` can be executed by the compiler at
/// compile time, if the value is known.
/// ```
/// const fn add(value: usize, other: usize) -> usize { value + other }
/// let three = add(1, 2);
/// # assert_eq!(three, 3);
/// ```
/// will be optimized to
/// ```
/// let three = 3; 
/// ```
/// Another benefit is, that you can also save the result in a `const` variable.
/// ```
/// const fn add(value: usize, other: usize) -> usize { value + other }
/// const THREE: usize = add(1, 2);
/// ```
/// This feature is currently work in progress see
/// [rust-lang/rust#57563](
/// You can read more about it
/// [here](
/// or in the [RFC](
/// By enabling this feature the derived functions will be `const`.
/// Please note, that not everything is currently supported and therefore some
/// attributes will ignore this attribute and not add `const` to the function.
/// ## `primitive_copy`
/// This attribute will cause get functions to return a copy of the type,
/// instead of a reference.
/// ```
/// use shorthand::ShortHand;
/// #[derive(ShortHand, Default)]
/// #[shorthand(disable(primitive_copy))]
/// struct Example {
///     field: usize,
///     #[shorthand(enable(primitive_copy))]
///     other: usize,
/// }
/// let example = Example::default();
/// assert_eq!(example.field(), &0);
/// assert_eq!(example.other(), 0);
/// ```
/// This attribute is enabled by default.
/// Please note, that this does only work with primitive types from the standard
/// library, other types have to be marked with [`copy`](#copy).
/// ## `copy`
/// There is no way for a [`proc_macro`] to know wether or not a type implements
/// [`Copy`], so fields, where the getter should return a copy, instead of a
/// reference have to be marked with `#[shorthand(copy)]`.
/// ```
/// use shorthand::ShortHand;
/// #[derive(Default, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
/// struct Number(pub usize);
/// #[derive(ShortHand, Default)]
/// struct Example {
///     #[shorthand(enable(copy))]
///     field: Number,
///     other: Number,
/// }
/// let example = Example::default();
/// assert_eq!(example.field(), Number(0));
/// assert_eq!(example.other(), &Number(0));
/// ```
/// ## `inline`
/// This attribute adds `#[inline(always)]` to the derived function.
/// ```
/// #[inline(always)]
/// fn add(a: usize, b: usize) -> usize { a + b }
/// let three = add(1, 2);
/// ```
/// will be optimized to
/// ```
/// let three = 1 + 2; 
/// ```
/// You can read more about the inline attribute
/// [here](
/// A discussion, about wether or not you should use it:
/// <>
/// This attribute is enabled by default.
/// ## `must_use`
/// This attribute will mark functions with `#[must_use]`,
/// which means, that their results have to be used, otherwise you get a warning
/// ```
/// #[must_use]
/// fn hello() -> &'static str { "hello" }
/// hello();
/// ```
/// ```text
/// warning: unused return value of `hello` that must be used
///  --> src/
///   |
/// 6 |     hello();
///   |     ^^^^^^^^
///   |
///   = note: `#[warn(unused_must_use)]` on by default
/// ```
/// This is disabled by default and can only be enabled for getter and mutable
/// getter. If you really need this attributes on a setter you can just mark the
/// field with `#[must_use]` and shorthand will automatically forward the
/// attribute (see [here](#forward_attributes)).
/// ## `get`
/// This attribute derives a function, to get the value of a field
/// (sometimes referred to as `getter`).
/// ```
/// use shorthand::ShortHand;
/// #[derive(ShortHand, Default)]
/// #[shorthand(disable(get))]
/// struct Example {
///     #[shorthand(enable(get))]
///     field: usize,
/// }
/// let example = Example::default();
/// assert_eq!(example.field(), 0);
/// ```
/// This attribute is enabled by default.
/// ## `set`
/// This attribute derives a function, to set the value of a field
/// (sometimes referred to as `setter`).
/// ```
/// use shorthand::ShortHand;
/// #[derive(ShortHand, Default)]
/// #[shorthand(disable(get, set))]
/// struct Example {
///     #[shorthand(enable(get, set))]
///     field: usize,
/// }
/// let mut example = Example::default();
/// example.set_field(1);
/// assert_eq!(example.field(), 1);
/// ```
/// This attribute is enabled by default.
/// ## `ignore_phantomdata`
/// Like the name implies, this will tell the [`proc_macro`], to ignore
/// [`PhantomData`] and to not generate functions for it.
/// ```compile_fail
/// use core::marker::PhantomData;
/// use shorthand::ShortHand;
/// #[derive(ShortHand, Default)]
/// struct Example {
///     field: PhantomData<usize>,
/// }
/// let example = Example::default();
/// example.field(); // this will cause a compiler error, because the function does not exist!
/// ```
/// This feature is enabled by default.
/// [`PhantomData`]: core::marker::PhantomData
/// ## `skip`
/// Like the name implies, this will tell the [`proc_macro`] to not generate
/// functions for this field (skipping it).
/// ```compile_fail
/// use shorthand::ShortHand;
/// #[derive(ShortHand, Default)]
/// struct Example {
///     #[shorthand(enable(skip))]
///     field: usize,
/// }
/// let example = Example::default();
/// example.field(); // this will cause a compiler error, because the function does not exist!
/// ```
/// ## `into`
/// The `into` attribute adds `VALUE: Into<field_type>` as a trait bound for
/// setters ([`Into`]).
/// ```
/// use shorthand::ShortHand;
/// #[derive(ShortHand, Default)]
/// struct Example {
///     #[shorthand(enable(into))]
///     field: String,
///     other: String,
/// }
/// let mut example = Example::default();
/// example.set_field("field"); // accepts any type, that implements Into<String> or From<String>
/// example.set_other("other".to_string());
/// assert_eq!(example.field(), &"field".to_string());
/// assert_eq!(example.other(), &"other".to_string());
/// ```
/// This struct uses `VALUE` as a generic, so you should *NOT* use that on your
/// struct
/// ```
/// struct DoNotDoThis<VALUE> {
///     value: VALUE,
/// }
/// ```
/// This attribute is not enabled by default.
/// ## `forward`
/// The `forward` attribute, allows you to control how attributes are
/// forwarded. By default the [`proc_macro`] will forward
/// the following attributes of the field to the generated function:
/// - [`doc`](
/// - [`cfg`](
/// - [`cfg_attr`](
/// - [`allow`], [`warn`], [`deny`], [`forbid`]
/// - [`deprecated`]
/// - [`must_use`]
/// - [`inline`]
/// - [`cold`]
/// - [`target_feature`]
/// [`allow`]:
/// [`warn`]:
/// [`deny`]:
/// [`forbid`]:
/// [`deprecated`]:
/// [`must_use`]:
/// [`inline`]:
/// [`cold`]:
/// [`target_feature`]:
/// ```
/// use shorthand::ShortHand;
/// #[derive(ShortHand)]
/// #[shorthand(disable(forward))]
/// struct Example {
///     #[shorthand(enable(forward(must_use)))]
///     #[must_use]
///     hello: &'static str,
/// }
/// ```
/// The `hello` function would now have a `#[must_use]` attribute:
/// ```
/// #[must_use]
/// fn hello() -> &'static str { "hello" }
/// ```
/// This attribute can be applied multiple times on the same field, which would
/// allow controlled forwarding. Please note, that this feature does not work,
/// until this issue is fixed <>.
/// ```
/// use shorthand::ShortHand;
/// #[derive(ShortHand)]
/// struct Example {
///     #[shorthand(enable(forward))]
///     #[must_use]
///     #[shorthand(disable(forward))]
///     #[allow(dead_code)]
///     hello: &'static str,
/// }
/// ```
/// In this example only `#[must_use]` is forwarded and `#[allow(dead_code)]` is
/// not.
/// This attribute can also be used to forward parts of docs.
/// A doc comment `///` will be converted to
/// [`#[doc]`](
/// attribute.
/// ```
/// use shorthand::ShortHand;
/// #[derive(ShortHand, Default)]
/// struct Example {
///     /// Data has some special restrictions.
///     /// - The String can only exist of uppercase characters
///     /// - Numbers are allowed
///     /// - The String has a maximum size of 5.
///     #[shorthand(disable(forward))]
///     /// This part will not be forwarded.
///     #[shorthand(enable(forward))]
///     ///
///     /// # Example
///     ///
///     /// ```
///     /// println!("nice");
///     /// ```
///     data: String,
/// }
/// ```
/// will instruct shorthand to generate the following code
/// ```
/// # struct Example {
/// #     data: String,
/// # }
/// #
/// impl Example {
///     /// Data has some special restrictions.
///     /// - The String can only exist of uppercase characters
///     /// - Numbers are allowed
///     /// - The String has a maximum size of 5.
///     ///
///     /// # Example
///     ///
///     /// ```
///     /// println!("nice");
///     /// ```
///     #[inline(always)]
///     pub fn data(&self) -> &String { & }
///     /// Data has some special restrictions.
///     /// - The String can only exist of uppercase characters
///     /// - Numbers are allowed
///     /// - The String has a maximum size of 5.
///     ///
///     /// # Example
///     ///
///     /// ```
///     /// println!("nice");
///     /// ```
///     #[inline(always)]
///     pub fn set_data(&mut self, value: String) -> &mut Self {
/// = value;
///         self
///     }
/// }
/// ```
/// as you can see the line `/// This part will not be forwarded.` did not get
/// forwarded.
/// ## `ignore_underscore`
/// This attribute instructs the [`proc_macro`] to ignore fields prefixed
/// with an `_`.
/// This attribute is not enabled by default.
/// ## `collection_magic`
/// This attribute instructs the [`proc_macro`] to derive additonal functions
/// for fields, that have a collection.
/// The following collections are supported:
/// - [`Vec`](std::vec::Vec)
/// - [`BTreeMap`](std::collections::BTreeMap)
/// - [`BTreeSet`](std::collections::BTreeSet)
/// - [`HashMap`](std::collections::HashMap)
/// - [`HashSet`](std::collections::HashSet)
/// It will derive a `push_field` function for [`Vec`]
/// and for all the other collection types an `insert_field` function.
/// ```
/// use shorthand::ShortHand;
/// use std::collections::BTreeMap;
/// #[derive(ShortHand, Default)]
/// struct Example {
///     #[shorthand(enable(collection_magic))]
///     value: Vec<usize>,
///     #[shorthand(enable(collection_magic))]
///     other: BTreeMap<usize, usize>,
/// }
/// let mut example = Example::default();
/// example.push_value(1);
/// example.push_value(2);
/// example.push_value(3);
/// assert_eq!(example.value(), &vec![1, 2, 3]);
/// example.insert_other(1, 1);
/// example.insert_other(2, 2);
/// example.insert_other(3, 3);
/// assert_eq!(example.other(), &{
///     let mut result = BTreeMap::new();
///     result.insert(1, 1);
///     result.insert(2, 2);
///     result.insert(3, 3);
///     result
/// });
/// ```
/// ## `strip_option`
/// This will change the input type for setter of optional fields from
/// `Option<T>` to `T`.
/// ```
/// use shorthand::ShortHand;
/// #[derive(ShortHand, Default)]
/// struct Example {
///     value: Option<usize>,
///     #[shorthand(enable(strip_option))]
///     other: Option<usize>,
/// }
/// Example::default().set_value(Some(0));
/// Example::default().set_other(0);
/// ```
/// This attribute is diabled by default.
/// ## `clone`
/// The getter will [`clone`](Clone::clone) the field instead of returning a
/// reference.
/// ```
/// use shorthand::ShortHand;
/// use std::rc::Rc;
/// #[derive(ShortHand, Default)]
/// struct Example {
///     #[shorthand(enable(clone))]
///     value: Rc<usize>,
/// }
/// assert_eq!(Example::default().value(), Rc::new(0));
/// ```
/// This attribute is diabled by default.
#[proc_macro_derive(ShortHand, attributes(shorthand))]
pub fn shorthand(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
    // Parse the input tokens into a syntax tree
    let input = parse_macro_input!(input as DeriveInput);