short 0.1.0

A short cli project manager

sht / short / 🩳

Crate linux osx

A concise cli project manager using env files.

Short it's command-line tool that allow to run programme (usually sh script) with mapping environment variables from .env file.

It's include an index/registry that allow to share project templates: 🎁 template-index.


cargo install short

Configure prompt

  • Example with PS1 configure by .bashrc
export PS1="$(sht show -f):\w\$ "

Here the custom script that starship run before display prompt.


function blastoff(){
    sht show -f

Quick start

That commands allow to generate an simply aws sam project base on this template aws-sam-short-template.

$> sht init
$> sht generate aws-sam -d -t
$> sht run

⚠️ wip ...

  • TODO : tutorials step by step.
  • TODO : command documentations.


    sht [SUBCOMMAND]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    init        Init project, create an empty "short.yaml" configuration file.
    generate    Generate empty setup or from template setup repository.
    run         Run setup [ARGS...].
    rename      Rename setup.
    new         Create env file ".<env>", in public directory by default.
    sync        Sync env files.
    edit        Edit env file.
    dir         Public env directory, [.] by default.
    pdir        Private env directory, unset by default.
    show        Show your current setup.
    use         Switch of current setup or/and environment.
    ls          Display setups and environments.
    vars        Display mapping environment variables.
    envs        Display environment variables.
    help        Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)