shiplift 0.7.0

A Rust interface for maneuvering Docker containers
// cargo run --example imagetag img repo tag

use shiplift::{Docker, Image, TagOptions};
use std::env;

async fn main() {
    let docker = Docker::new();
    let img = env::args()
        .expect("You need to specify an image name");

    let repo = env::args()
        .expect("You need to specify a repository name");

    let tag = env::args().nth(3).expect("You need to specify a tag name");

    let tag_opts = TagOptions::builder().repo(repo).tag(tag).build();

    let image = Image::new(&docker, img);

    if let Err(e) = image.tag(&tag_opts).await {
        eprintln!("Error: {}", e)