shell-string 0.2.1

Obvious CLI for basic string manipulation
use crate::exec::execute;

use nom::{
    bytes::complete::{tag, take_until},
    sequence::{preceded, terminated},

pub fn template(input: &str, shell: &[&str], begin: &str, end: &str, trim: bool) -> String {
    if shell.len() == 0 {
        eprintln!("must specify a shell");
    // 1 split text content and commands
    // 2 map commands to their execution output
    // 3 join and return

    // unwrapping is safe, this will always be Ok, rest will always be ""
    // TODO test this
    let ast = parse(input, begin, end);

    let mut buffer = String::with_capacity(256);

    for c in ast {
        if let Some(cmd) = c.command {
            let output = execute(cmd, shell);
            let output = if trim { output.trim() } else { &output };


#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
struct Content<'a> {
    text: &'a str,
    command: Option<&'a str>,

fn parse<'a>(s: &'a str, begin: &str, end: &str) -> Vec<Content<'a>> {
    // many1(|st| command(st, begin, end))(s)
    let mut input = s;
    let mut result = Vec::new();
    loop {
        let (rest, command) = command(input, begin, end).unwrap();

        if rest == "" {

        input = rest;

    return result;

/// Parse the first command from a given text, returnes the rest of the text
/// e.g.
/// ```
/// parse("hello {myCommand}! How are you?", "{", "}")
/// ```
/// will yield
/// ```
/// Ok((
///     "! How are you?",
///     Content {
///         text: "hello ",
///         command: Some("myCommand"),
///     }
/// ))
/// ```
fn command<'a>(s: &'a str, begin: &str, end: &str) -> IResult<&'a str, Content<'a>> {
    let (rest, text) = opt(take_until(begin))(s)?;

    let text = match text {
        Some(text) => text,
        // when the beginning delimiter wasn't found, just return the whole string.
        // No command is in here.
        None => {
            return Ok((
                Content {
                    text: s,
                    command: None,

    let (rest, command) = opt(preceded(tag(begin), terminated(take_until(end), tag(end))))(rest)?;

    Ok((rest, Content { text, command }))

mod test {
    use super::*;

    fn template1() {
        let input = "hello (echo world)";
        let result = template(input, &["sh"], "(", ")", true);
        let expected = "hello world";

        assert_eq!(expected, result);

    fn template2() {
        let input = "Hey (echo VSauce), (echo Michael) here!";
        let result = template(input, &["sh"], "(", ")", true);
        let expected = "Hey VSauce, Michael here!";

        assert_eq!(expected, result);

    fn template3() {
        let input = "Hey { echo VSauce }, { echo Michael } here!";
        let result = template(input, &["sh"], "{", "}", true);
        let expected = "Hey VSauce, Michael here!";

        assert_eq!(expected, result);

    fn template4() {
        let input = "complex calculation: ^console.log(14)^";
        let result = template(input, &["node"], "^", "^", true);
        let expected = "complex calculation: 14";

        assert_eq!(expected, result);

    fn parse_empty() {
        let res = parse("", "{", "}");

        let content = Content {
            text: "",
            command: None,

        assert_eq!(res, vec![content]);

    fn parse_single() {
        let res = parse("hello", "{", "}");

        let content = Content {
            text: "hello",
            command: None,

        assert_eq!(res, vec![content]);

    fn parse_command() {
        let res = parse("hello {{echo USER}}!", "{{", "}}");

        let content = vec![
            Content {
                text: "hello ",
                command: Some("echo USER"),
            Content {
                text: "!",
                command: None,

        assert_eq!(res, content);

    fn parse_multi() {
        let res = parse(
            "hello {{echo USER}}! How do you {{echo FEEL}} today?",

        let content = vec![
            Content {
                text: "hello ",
                command: Some("echo USER"),
            Content {
                text: "! How do you ",
                command: Some("echo FEEL"),
            Content {
                text: " today?",
                command: None,

        assert_eq!(res, content);

    fn parsing() {
        let res = command("hello {myCommand}! How are you?", "{", "}");
        let res = res.unwrap();

        let rest = "! How are you?";
        let content = Content {
            text: "hello ",
            command: Some("myCommand"),

        assert_eq!(res.0, rest);
        assert_eq!(res.1, content);

    fn parsing_no_command() {
        let res = command("hello user! How are you?", "{", "}");
        let res = res.unwrap();

        let rest = "";
        let content = Content {
            text: "hello user! How are you?",
            command: None,

        assert_eq!(res.0, rest);
        assert_eq!(res.1, content);

    fn parsing_empty() {
        let res = command("", "{", "}");
        let res = res.unwrap();

        let content = Content {
            text: "",
            command: None,

        assert_eq!(res.0, "");
        assert_eq!(res.1, content);

    fn parsing_command_only() {
        let res = command("$echo hello$", "$", "$");
        let res = res.unwrap();

        let content = Content {
            text: "",
            command: Some("echo hello"),

        assert_eq!(res.0, "");
        assert_eq!(res.1, content);