sheldon 0.4.3

A fast, configurable, shell plugin manager.

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A fast, configurable, shell plugin manager.


  • Can manage virtually anything.
    • Any public Git repository.
      • Branch / tag / commit support.
      • First class support for GitHub repositories.
      • First class support for Gists.
    • Arbitrary remote files.
    • Local plugins.
  • Highly configurable install methods using handlebars templating.
  • Super-fast parallel installation.
  • Configuration file using TOML syntax.
  • Uses a lock file for much faster loading of plugins.

Table of Contents


The recommended way of installing sheldon is using cargo

cargo install sheldon

Pre-built binaries for Linux and macOS can be found on the releases page.

Getting started

The config file uses the TOML file format. Create a configuration file at ~/.zsh/plugins.toml and add details for your first plugin by adding a unique key to the plugins table. In the example configuration file below we add a new Github type plugin with a unique name oh-my-zsh.

# ~/.zsh/plugins.toml

#            ┌─ Unique name for the plugin
#        ┌───┴───┐
github = 'robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh'
#         └─────┬────┘ └───┬───┘
#               │          └─ GitHub repository name
#               └─ GitHub user or organization

You can then use sheldon source to install the configured plugins, generate the lock file, and print out the script to source. Simply add the following to your ~/.zshrc file

# ~/.zshrc

source <(sheldon source)

For a more fleshed out example configuration file see here.

Command line interface

lock command

This command installs the plugins sources and generates the lock file. If we ran this on the example configuration file above, then the following output would be produced.

Running it again would not redownload the plugin

source command

This command generates the shell script to be sourced. This command will first check if there is an up to date lock file otherwise it will relock the configuration file.

If we now modify our configuration file and run this command again it will relock the configuration prior to generating the script.

The output of this command is highly configurable. You can define your own custom templates to apply to your plugins.


sheldon accepts the following global command line flags.

Flag Description
-q, --quiet Suppress any informational output.
-v, --verbose Use verbose output.
--no-color Do not use ANSI colored output.
-h, --help Show the help message and exit.
-V, --version Show the version and exit.


sheldon accepts the following global command line options.

Option Description Default
--root <root> Override the root directory. ~/.zsh
--config-file <config-file> Override the config file. <root>/plugins.toml
--lock-file <lock-file> Override the lock file. <config-file>.lock

Configuration: plugin sources

A plugin is defined by adding a new unique name to the plugins table in the TOML configuration file. A plugin must define the location of the source. There are three types of sources, each kind is described below. A plugin may only specify one source type.


Git sources specify a remote Git repository that will be cloned to the sheldon root directory. There are three flavors of Git sources.


A GitHub source must set the github field and specify the repository. This should be the username or organization and the repository name separated by a forward slash.

github = 'sindresorhus/pure'


A Gist source must set the gist field and specify the repository. This should be the hash or username and hash of the Gist.

gist = '579d02802b1cc17baed07753d09f5009'


A Git source must set the git field and specify the URL.

git = ''

Specifying branch / tag / commit

All Git sources also allow setting of one of the branch, tag or revision fields. sheldon will then checkout the repository at this reference.

github = 'sindresorhus/pure'
tag = '1.9.0'


Remote sources specify a remote file that will be downloaded to the sheldon root directory. A Remote source must set the remote field and specify the URL.

remote = ''


Local sources reference local directories. A Local source must set the local field and specify a directory. Tildes may be used and will be expanded to the current user's home directory.

local = '~/Downloads/repositories/pure'

Configuration: plugin options

These are options that are common to all plugins.


A list of files / globs to use in the plugin's source directory.

github = 'sindresorhus/pure'
use = ['*.zsh']

If this field is not given then the first pattern in the global match field that matches any files will be used.


A list of template names to apply to this plugin. This defaults to the global apply.

github = 'sindresorhus/pure'
apply = ['source', 'PATH']

You can define your own custom templates to apply to your plugins.

Configuration: templates

A template is a string that represents a generic action to take on a plugin. For example the PATH template adds the plugin directory to the shell PATH variable. A plugin will apply a template if you add the template name to the apply field on a plugin.

Available built in templates are

  • source: source each filename in a plugin.
  • PATH: add the plugin directory to the PATH variable.
  • FPATH: add the plugin directory to the FPATH variable.
  • path: add the plugin directory to the path variable.
  • fpath: add the plugin directory to the fpath variable.

As template strings they could be represented like this

source = { value = 'source "{{ filename }}"', each = true }
PATH = 'export PATH="{{ directory }}:$PATH"'
FPATH = 'export FPATH="{{ directory }}:$FPATH"'
path = 'path=( "{{ directory }}" $path )'
fpath = 'fpath=( "{{ directory }}" $fpath )'

For example if we change the apply field for the below plugin, it will only add the plugin directory to the PATH and append it to the fpath. The plugin will not be sourced.

source = 'github'
repository = 'sindresorhus/pure'
apply = ['PATH', 'fpath']

The each value, as used in the source template above, specifies that the template should be applied to each matched filename for the plugin. This defaults to false.

Custom templates

It is possible to create your own custom templates, and you can even override the built in ones.

Plugins all have the following information that can be used in templates

  • A unique name. This is completely arbitrary, and it is the value specified for the plugin in the plugins table. However, it is often the name of the plugin, so it can be useful to use this name in templates with {{ name }}.
  • A directory. In git sources this is the location of the cloned repository, for local sources, it is the directory specified. This directory can be used in templates with {{ directory }}.
  • Zero or more filenames. These are the matched files in the plugin directory either discovered using the the global match field or specified as a plugin option with use. These can be used in templates using {{ filename }}.

You can use the following global information in templates

  • The sheldon root. This folder can be used as {{ root }}.

Example: symlinking files

Lets say we would like a template to symlink files into the ~/.zsh/functions directory. We could create a new template with name function, like this

function = { value = 'ln -sf "{{ filename }}" "~/.zsh/functions/{{ name }}"', each = true }

It can then be applied to the plugin like this

github = 'sindresorhus/pure'
apply = ['function']

Example: overriding the PATH template

The built in PATH template adds the directory path to the beginning of the PATH variable, we might want to change it to the be added at the end. We could do this like this

PATH = 'export PATH="$PATH:{{ directory }}"'

You can then apply it to the plugin like this

github = 'sindresorhus/pure'
apply = ['source', 'PATH']

Note: this would change the behavior of PATH for all plugins using it.

Configuration: global options


A list of glob patterns to match against a plugin's contents. The first pattern that matches any files will be used by default as a plugin's use field. This defaults to

match = [
  '{{ name }}.plugin.zsh',
  '{{ name }}.zsh',
  '{{ name }}.sh',
  '{{ name }}.zsh-theme',

Note: if you are not using Zsh then you should probably change this setting.


A list of template names to apply to all plugins by default (see apply). This defaults to

apply = ['source']


This project is dual licensed under the Apache 2.0 License and the MIT License.

See LICENSE-APACHE and LICENSE-MIT for more details.