shdrr 0.1.1

A live shader compiler using shaderc.
shdrr-0.1.1 is not a library.

SHDRR: Live shader compiler

SHDRR is a live shader compiler, as in, it will automatically detect if a file changed within a directory and recompile it to SPIR-V using shaderc.

Right now, it detect the shader type (compute, vertex, fragment) using the file extension:

  • *.cs -> compute
  • *.fs -> fragment
  • *.vs -> vertex


See shdrr --help for usage:

SHDRR: Live compiler for SPIRV based on shaderc. 

    shdrr [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -r               Look for shader file recursively
    -V, --version    Prints version information
    -v               Verbose output

    -d <dir>           Directory with the shaders
    -o <output>        Output directory

Exemple: To compile every shader contained in the directory ./shaders/src and its sub-directory to .shaders/bin, with verbosity:

shdrr -rv -d shaders/src -o shaders/bin


With cargo:

cargo install shdrr