sharify 0.1.0

Back types with shared memory and send them cheaply between processes.
# shared_memory
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A crate that allows you to share memory between __processes__.

This crate provides lightweight wrappers around shared memory APIs in an OS agnostic way. It is intended to be used with it's sister crate [raw_sync]( which provide simple primitves to synchronize access to the shared memory (Mutex, RwLock, Events, etc...).

| raw_sync |
|[![](]( [![](](|

## Usage

For usage examples, see code located in [examples/](examples/) :

  | Examples | Description |
  |[event]examples/| Shows the use of shared events through shared memory|
  |[mutex]examples/| Shows the use of a shared mutex through shared memory|

## License

 * [Apache License, Version 2.0]
 * [MIT license]

## Contribution

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be
dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.

## Changelog

### __0.12.X__
- Windows implementation now follows POSIX behavior in regards to ownership and deletion, see [#59] for more details
- Added feature gated debug logging ("logging" feature has to be enabled explicitly)
### __0.11.X__
This release breaks backwards compatibility and removes a bunch of previous features which hid many unsafe behaviors (automatically casting shared memory to Rust types).

The release also marks the split between `shared_memory` and its synchronization primitives into a seperate crate `raw_sync`.